Chapter Four

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"Alright, well I'm going to go shower and then get ready to murder," I said, happy now that Zayn was on my side.

I headed up the stairs towards my bedroom to grab a white cami and some sweats. I grabbed my iphone, plugging the earbuds into my ears and then grabbed my undergarments and headed to bathroom.

"Hey I just met you, and this is crazy.."

I belted out on my way to the bathroom.

"It's hard to look right at you baaaaaabbbbyyyyyy"

I mini danced as I walked into the bathroom and slipped on the wet floor.

Shit. My foot landed on the edge of the shower curtain pulling it down to reveal a naked Harry.

I screamed, "Harry Edward Styles!"

He looked suprised but soon his face turned into a smirk and he chuckled as he got out to help me up. "It's not like you haven't seen any of this before."

I glared at him and attempted to stand up but only slipped, causing Harry to fall too, right on top of me.

"Well isn't this familiar?" Harry chuckled.


"Harry, I'm giving you two seconds," I said through my teeth, "To get off me."

"But I'm rather comfortable," Harry pouted.

I glared at him, I honestly couldn't give a flying pig about whether he was comfortable or not. "Now."

He sighed, and rolled off me before standing up, "And put a towel on, Harry!"

He rolled his eyes, "i'm working on it geez," he grabbed a towel from the rack before helping me up off the wet tile floor.

I scoffed and turned out of the bathroom. I couldn't shower, not now. So what was I supposed to do? Go back downstairs? Then there'd be questions about why I was back so quickly, let alone why my hair was dry. Damn you Styles. I'd probably have to disinfect the whole bathroom. He just had to use that shower, didn't he? No because there aren't two other bathrooms that he could use.

I felt myself bump into something hard, I looked up at the thing I had bumped into. Louis. I frowned, why wasn't he eating?

"Something wrong?" He asked, his fingers tracing along my forehead as I frowned.

"Everythings fine," I replied quickly, giving him a quick smile, "You up for coming with me to shop later? I still have to get things for the tour.." I trailed off. The tour. That would only mean one thing.







Every single day. For six months. To say the boy irritated me was an understatement.

"Athena, are you listening?" Louis asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Sorry..I was err..thinking..What were you saying?" I recovered.

Louis smirked, "I was saying how about we skip the shopping and we can go to the beach."

I raised an eyebrow, last time I had went to the beach with Louis I ended up being dumped into the water.. "Only if you promise not to throw me into the water again.."

"I can't promise that," he said with a light chuckle.

"Then I won't go," I crossed my arms and turned away.

He groaned, "Fine, I won't throw you in."

I giggled and turned around clapping, "Good boy," I planted a kiss on his nose before skipping off to another bathroom to shower.


I piled the last ammount of sand onto Louis's shoulders before giving my creation a satisfied look. I had officially burried Louis, up to his neck, in sand.

"Say cheese," I said, giggling, as I pulled out my phone out of my bag, Louis put on one of his signature cheesy smiles.

"CHEESE!" He yelled out, causing the few people there were on the beach to look at us.

"Louis," I groaned, "Not that loud next time."

Maybe people would realize Louis and I didn't want to be bothered at the beach and would just leave us alone..

I was wrong. People started to crowd around us, asking for autographs, and pictures. I knew coming to the beach was a bad idea. I should have just stuck to shopping with him.

"Athena, what's it like dating Louis!?" A young teenage girl yelled out from the crowd.

I smiled, "He's a handful but he's very sweet and funny."


I finally was able to sit down after the crowd had quieted down and eventually left.

I threw a glare at Louis, "I am never asking you to say cheese again."

He threw his arms around me in a big bear hug and whispered into my ear, "Cheese."

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, "You're something special, you know that Louis?"

"Yeah, I think I've picked that up over the past few years," he said, a small smirk forming on his face.

"Oh, gosh Louis, don't be a Harry."

"I can't help it he's my boo-bear," I raised an eyebrow, "But of course your my teddy, which is much better to cuddle with," he pulled me over to him and wrapped his arms around me.

"it's true, it's proven that I am better at cuddling," I smiled, "Okay relaxing over," I pointed across the beach parking lot to a small boutique across the street, "I see a really.cute top on display there and it looks really comfy, Lou can we please go?" I pulled on my best puppy face, "I'll buy you carrots later," I added quickly.

He hesitated before answering, "All right, but only because you looked so adorable asking."

I smirked, "Are you sure it wasn't because of the carrots I offered?"

"I already have carrots," he reached into my beach bag and pulled out a bag of carrots, "I put them in before we left."

I sighed and patted his head; "Oh Louis, only you would do this."

*Alright I know it's short, but I wrote this on my phone while I was in the car. I promise a longer chapter next time<33*

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 12, 2012 ⏰

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