Chapter Two

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  • Dedicata a Roni, for being such an amazing friend<3

~Author's Note~

Hope ya'll enjoy :D Since it's Summer I'll be updating more quickly :D


There was a knocking at the door, I groaned and glanced over at Louis, sound asleep. I pushed myself over toward the door and opened it only to find Harry standing at the door. Sh*t. I hadn't seen him all day, and managed to avoid him in discussions, but now here he was, in front of my bedroom door. 

"What, Harry?" I asked groggily with a tinge of annoyance.

"Can we talk?" He whispered.

I glanced over at the clock, "At 2 am? We have to be up in 3 hours."


I watched Louis's chest rise and fall before answering him, "Five minutes. Then I'm going to bed." 

~Athena's POV~

I heard Harry close the door quietly behind him. He had better make this quick. He was lucky I was nice enough to give him a place to stay. 

"Five minutes, Harry."

"I'm sorry," the words came out of his mouth so softly. The two least expected words, and he made them sound so innocent. But what was I supposed to say? I forgive you? He's scarred me too much for forgiveness/ 

"What do you want me to say, Harry?" I said flatly. "Say I forgive you and quit my relationship to be with you like those cheesy movies? This is reality."

"Can't you at least just forgive me?"

 Was he bullshitting me? Was he that dense? "No." I said this forcefully. 

I could see his figure slump in the dim lighting of the hallway. "I can't just forgive you. Not after what happened."

"Athena, I'm sorry.."

I heard the door creak open, "Babe, everything okay?" 


~Harry's P.O.V~

"Babe, everything okay?" His voice mimicked in my head. No, everything was not okay. That was my girl right there. The girl that I should've been with, if it wasn't for that stupid X Factor. Don't get me wrong, I loved my life, but the fact that it took the one girl that I ever loved away? Not so happy. I was too be with the X Factor and my success got to my head. And that's when she went away. Athena never let her success get to her head. I mean, she started from scratch, just like me. Why did I let fame get to my head? If I could've not been an arse for one minute, I could've saved our relationship. I glanced at the clock; 2:30, screw the time. I couldn't sleep. 

~Louis POV~

What was she doing up this late at night, talking to Harry? All I heard was Harry apologizing. What did he have to apologize for? Athena was all smiles, no matter what time of day. But after I entered the hallway she just passed me back into the bedroom, not even answering me. What could be bothering her so much that she would just scoff and walk away? Harry was all smiles too..


"Babe, time to wake up," a voice was saying after what seemed to be two minutes of sleep. I groaned and turned onto my side. Jet lag sucked. Time change sucked.

"Shh, I want to sleep," I murmured into my pillow. 

I heard Athena chuckle, "Too bad, we've got an interview. You know..I can always go get cold water, hun."

Tell Me A Lie (On hold until December)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora