11- Team-up gone wrong

Start from the beginning

"We have to tell Archie." 


"Oh, God." Archie breathed out, once he noticed the three girls standing in front of his doorsteps. 

Lauren rolled her eyes at his expression and grabbed his arms dragging him to the girls. 

"Please don't tell me you're still on this crazy witch hunt." Archie begged as he whispered, not wanting his father to listen. 

"It's not a witch hunt and it's not crazy." Betty defended, narrowing her eyes at him. She looked at Lauren who nodded encouragingly. "We were just in Grundy's car.."

"What?" Archie asked in disbelief. "You were in her car?"

Veronica nodded. "Yes, and thank God we were, we found a gun." 

"Archie, a gun. You can't take this lightly anymore." Lauren said as she watched him intently. "We also found an I.D that says Jennifer Gibson." 

"This is proof Ms. Grundy is not who she says she is." Betty noted. 

"Then who is she?" Archie questioned, for once not defending her. 

"Obviously some sketch queen named Jennifer Gibson." Veronica told him with a roll of her eyes. 

"Archie, what if this has something to do with Jason's death? She taught him, she made  you lie about him, we know she was at the river, she has a  gun."  Betty told him, her anger rising with every word. 

"So does Dilton Doily, but you never thought he killed Jason." Archie argued and Lauren smacks her forehead. 

"Stop, Archie! What is wrong with you? How can you still be defending this person, who you know nothing about? Dilton Doily might play with guns but he isn't giving us any reasons to be worried, you're our friend, Grundy is using you. She just wants you for herself, Archie. Why can't you see that?" Lauren told him, pointing her finger in his chest. 

Before Archie could even begin to Argue with Lauren, Veronica continued. "Everything about her is a huge, boldface question mark." 

"Okay, whatever her name is, she's not a killer." Archie said not having anything to say. 

"You didn't ask her, did you?" Betty questioned, accusingly. "About her name. And why there's not record of her last year?"

Archie sighs shaking his head as Betty pressed further. "Why not?" 

Without answering her Archie turns to walk away something Lauren had been getting quite used to. 

"Stop walking away from everything, Archie." Lauren sighs as Archie stops walking and turns to look at the three girls. Veronica and Betty's eyes widen. "Because when the people that really matter walk away, you won't have anyone." 

"Lauren, you out of all people, are no one to say that." Archie answered, not realizing what he was saying. "You are always the first one to walk away." 

Lauren laughs, shaking he head, not really caring about the words coming out of his mouth. "It'a funny we always have the worst conversation here." 

Betty grabs Lauren's hand and led the way to her car. 


Lauren was now at the point in her life where she didn't really care what other people said, she had enough on her mind already.  

The day Lauren had gotten home, Maya Davis was as well.

The moment she steps in, Maya's head snaps in her direction making the girl inhale deeply, nervous to see her sister in the room.

Wanting to escape the anxious vibe in the room, Lauren made her way to the stairs, her eyes looking ahead as she heard steps following her, however she didn't stop, quickening her pace as she got to the door of her room.

Clearing her throat, Maya opened her mouth to speak, her ahem gaining the attention of the girl.


"Can you stay at a friend's place tonight?" Maya asked, her voice surprisingly soft.

Confused Lauren answers. "What? Why?"

"I have guests." Maya told her vaguely, wrapping her arms around herself awkwardly.

"Well then I guess they're our guests then." Lauren scoffed, giving her a displeasing look.

Maya narrowed her eyes at the girl, exhaling in frustration. "Just go to Betty's house or something."

Maya turned away to leave at Lauren stopped her. "No? Whoever your guests are, I'm sure they won't be disturbed with me in my room."

Maya grabbed Lauren's arm, getting fed up with the amount of arguing she was doing. "I told you nicely Lauren, just go to Betty's house."

Dragging her with her, Lauren's eyes were wide in slight fear as she struggled out of the hold of her sister.

Maya pushed Lauren out the door quite dramatically, locking the door behind her, preventing her from entering again.

"Go to hell, bitch!" Lauren screamed through angry tears as she kicked the door harshly, turning around and stamping her feet as she made her way, shaking slightly at the breeze passing by.

Finally, Lauren reached her destination, knocking on the front door hastily.

The door opened wide, Reggie standing there with his mouth slightly parted, a slight smile on his face. Lauren gave him a small smile.


Yoooo what's up?

I'm sorry for the long wait and short chapter I'm giving you the same excuse as before. I'm kinda Working on the end of my teen Wolf book so I'm busy with that and loads of school work. Who knew High School was so hard?

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