Chapter 12: The Rescue Mission (Part 4)

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Steffany's life flashed before her eyes. It was great. Sad. And lovely on what she expirienced with her friends. Being friends with a human, was something she didn't expect to see nor happen. It was a short lived life, but she enjoyed it anyway.

Steffany kept hold of Alex as droplets of purple ink hit her face and covered most of her body. She could still breath. Feel. Touch. How is this possible?

"Are you okay, Steffany?" Said Jenny, holding her Hero Shot.

Steffany was frozen for a little bit, but caught up to her senses.

"We're... we're okay..." Said Steffany, looking at Jenny.

Jenny quickly took the Zapfish out, now going for a blackout for the area.

"What's going on?! Why are the lights out!?" Yelled the Octopus.

Kid took this chance to struggle and get out of his captured state. And so, he succeeded.

"Where did the creature go?!" One of the Octolings exclaimed as everything was dark, they were blind.

"Yo, the weapon! Protect the weapon!" The octopus said as he ordered.

Kid went on and untied Squid Girl, holding her arm to run.

"Run!" Exclaimed Kid, pulling Squid Girl with him.

"Gha!" Said Squid Girl, being pulled as she tried to catch up.

Both, Kid and Squid Girl, ran through the Octarian army, pushing and shoving them away to their escape route.

The lights returned as they were reaching the exit.

The Octopus looked to where both intruders were running, and gasped.

"Get them! Do not let them escape!" Said the octopus as he pointed them.

Kid and Squid Girl ran out the room, and towards the hallway.

"Everyone! Out of the building! Now!" Kid said towards the others, through the radio.

"Alright!" said Lyndsy, looking at the Zapfish she was holding. She felt a bit of pity due to stealing the only thing that kept parts of Octo Valley running. She shook the feeling and holded the Zapfish, running towards the halls

"We have to go, Alex won't last long if he isn't treated." Said Jenny towards Steffany

Steffany nodded, picking up Alex and carrying him.

"What about the Zapfish?" Steffany asked

"Leave it, one should be enough." Said Jenny, walking out the room with her Hero Shot, aiming both sides of the hallway. "Let's get out of here."

"Duck!" Said Kid as both Squid Girl and him avoided some shots from the Octolings and Octarians that were chasing them. "This way! We've got to go up the stairs!"

"Not so fast, creature!" Said an Octoling, blocking their path. There were two, holding and Aiming at both Kid and Squid Girl.

"Squid Girl! Your tentacles!" Said Kid towards her

She nodded as she quickly used them, stretching quickly towards the Octolings.

Both the Octolings began to shoot, but Squid Girl blocked the shots with the same tentacles that she was using. With the tentacles that Squid Girl was using, she did a big push towards the Octolings, making them fall and let go of their weapons.

"Great job!" Kid said towards Squid Girl, smiling.

She nodded as they continued to run.

"Alfred! We need the V2 on the roof!" Kid said into the intercom

"Understood. Have you already taken note that Jenny is in the building?" Alfred said as he started up the V2

"Wait what?! She's in the building?" Kid said as he was worried

"Yeah Kid, I'm here, thought you needed help!" Said Jenny as she ran with Alex and Steffany

"Well at least you're okay; give us an heads up next time, alright?" Kid said as Squid Girl and him went up another floor.

Lyndsy ran through the halls, trying to find the exit towards the roof. It wasn't much time as she found the stairs, running up the roof.

She was the first one there

"Lyndsy?" Said Jenny as they arrived as well.

"Got the Zapfish" Said Lyndsy as she held it in its hands, the Zapfish waving a bit.

Jenny waved back a bit as the V2 arrives to the roof.

"Quickly!" Yelled out Alfred, the side doors of the V2 opened as two rope ladders came out.

Jenny ran to the V2 with Steffany and Alex

"Alex, I need you to turn into a squid. Please.. I know it hurts but you have to do it to get on the ship" Steffany said towards Alex, him nodding as he struggles, able to do it.

Steffany began to carry Alex in his squid form as both, Jenny and Steffany, climbing to the ladder

"Where the heck is Kid with Squid Girl!?" Said Lyndsy as she climbed on, holding the Zapish close.

"Right here!!!" Kid yelled out, both Squid Girl and him running out the door.

Behind them were Octolings, 5 of them to be exact.

"Fire!!!" Said the middle one, being an supirour level due to the darker color and two seaweed that she had on her head.

Both Kid and Squid Girl were running in the crossfires as one shot got Kid by the shoulder.

It Burned.

Kid continued to run as he tried to ignore the burning pain on his shoulder.

Both Squid Girl and Kid jumped to the ladders as the V2 began to fly off, the Octopus himself arriving to the roof, looking at them as Kid looked back at him.

This was surely, not the last time that they will meet.

End of Chapter 12

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