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Bill and Eddie were looking for Beverly, they didn't notice her going away.

"Bill, why is that door open?" Eddie noticed the door.
"I-i-it must be Beverly." Bill said.

They bolted quickly.


After they reached Beverly's old house, Bill and Eddie glanced inside, the whole room was clear. They didn't see Beverly inside. When they were done peeking, they heard a scream.

"Beverly!" Bill yelled.

The kitchen was in front of them. It went towards the door. It quickly locked the door.

"Bill! Hold up!" Eddie was catching up.

Bill tried to open door. Eddie saw Bill struggling to open the door, Eddie had no choice but to help him. Before Eddie helps Bill to open the door, Eddie had to grab a knife. Eddie bolted quickly to the knives, he saw a eleven inch knife. Eddie quickly grabbed the eleven inch knife.

Eddie went back to Bill, Eddie had to stab the door. Eddie was stabbing the door.
It heard Eddie stabbing the door to make a hole, It quickly bolted to the door and grabbed Eddie's knife.

"What the!?" Eddie was pulling the knife.

It and Eddie were struggling to pull the knife. Bill had to pull Eddie. When Bill pulled Eddie, the knife went to the living room, not the kitchen. Eddie stood up quickly. Eddie bolted to the knife and went back to the door.


Meanwhile, Mike, Ben, Gary, Richie and Stanley were waiting for Bill and Eddie.

"Where are those three?" Stanley was worried.

Mike went to the middle.

"Guys, can't we just help Bill and Eddie?" Mike was asking them if they could help Bill and Richie.

Richie rolled his eyes and went to Mike.

"I'll help Mike." Richie said.
"Richie's in. All we need is Gary, Ben and Stanley." Mike said.

The four went to the middle.

"We'll join." Gary said.

Mike nodded and smirked.


The five were rushing, they were worrying about Bill, Eddie and Beverly.

"Guys! Go faster!" Gary said.

They went more faster, they were dashing quickly rushing.

It Imagines 2 (NOT COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now