Chapter 6 (The Things I Do For You People!)

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 It is one o' clock on memorial day, and you have no idea how sleepy I am. But I worked my butt out of bed to get my PC, and do this update for you. The things I do for you. But whatever. Here's chapter six!


"Well, that heart of coal broke your heart."

 How  could this guy be serious? There is no way that in the future, I'll meet a girl who wants to ruin my life. (A/N:That's what she thinks XD)

"Fine. Whatever. I'm going home." I yawned, heading for the door.

"Wait!" he screeched. "You don't know your way back. Why don't you stay?"

 My head ticked. 'What if he uses you for sex?' 'SEX!!! Your body's not even in shape for a dive in the pool!' 'Vanessa will be worried sick!' 'But he can't take any of my stuff, so I can reach her 24/7!' 'But what if things DO work out? And we have kids and I meet his family?' 'Now you are starting to make good things turn into nightmares.'

Finally, I could not back out. "Fine, I'll stay with you. But I don't have any pajamas to change into." I shrugged.

 "That's okay. You can borrow something from my sister. I'll be right back." He ran out the room, and I was left alone in his room. I knew it was wrong, but I just had to snoop.

I went through every inch of his room(which I soon learned had another resident who was sound asleep under a pile of dirty clothes) and went through his clothes. (I held my breath at his underwear drawer, my hands full of disgust and guilt. But I had to check everywhere to find out about his past!)

I was about to discontinue my search, as I came to a picture frame with two people in it.....

A Kiddnapers Love: RauraWhere stories live. Discover now