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I remember the day it happened like it was yesterday. I was crossing the street on my way home from school like normal. I was limping slightly since Mochida and his group had decided to teach me a lesson for being such a dame. The sky was an ominous gray, maybe that should have been the first warning that something was wrong. My head was ringing and throbbing, but I dismissed it as a result of Mochida kicking it not 30 minutes before. That was when rain burst from the heavens and I was instantaneously drenched. Almost like a trigger being pulled my life changed forever. From an alleyway I was walking past came two pairs of arms. Before I could ever scream for help I was dragged into the darkness. Soon after I lost consciousness.

When I opened my eyes I found myself inside an old factory. The stench of alcohol in the air was so thick it made my lungs burn. I knew I should have been scared, I was labeled Dame-Tsuna for a reason, but I wasn't. It was like there was a calming flame burning in my chest. A strong flame that provided me with the comfort and reassurance that I would be okay. That I would make it out of this alive. Taking a look around I noticed the two men that grabbed me earlier. One seemed to sense my gaze and met my eyes.

"Hey boss, the brat's awake!" He called. The man was tall and strongly built. He had greasy brown hair and a mustache that, to me, looked like it should have made his nose itch.

The door across the room thrust itself open and in stepped a well dressed blonde with gleaming green eyes. His very presence casting a shadow of power, confidence and cruelty. In a few long strides he crossed the room and crouched down in front of me. "So you're the young lion's brat?" His eyes assessed me and a look of disgust crossed his face. "I was expecting more." Grabbing a fistful of my hair he yanked me to my feet. An involuntary whimper escaped my lips causing the man to glare at me. He slammed my head against the wall so hard stars appeared in my vision. "How could His son be so Weak?" I felt something warm and wet coat the back of my head and trail down my neck. I knew immediately that it was blood. The man who had held a firm grip on my skull released me and my body crumpled to the floor. The other two stared at me with disturbing glee at the sight of my wounded body. The boss turned his back to me seemingly disinterested and turned to his men. "Kill him, after that we will deliver the body to Vongola." Sick smiles carved themselves onto the two men's lips. At the word kill the calm that had filled me disappeared and was replaced by overwhelming fear. Tears spilled down my cheeks as the two men approached. They pulled out knives as I got up and tried to make a run for it, but they were much faster and I was quickly pinned down. I screamed as I felt them begin to cut me. After a minute the brunette got up and went over to an old rusty shelf and grabbed some sort of jug filled with an unknown chemical. He read the label before a cruel smile split his lips. Quickly coming back to us he held my eyes open with his dirty hand and poured the chemical. My eyes burned and my vision faded as I screamed. I couldn't see. My heart was beating faster than the speed of light.

I felt one of their breaths next to my ear as he spoke, "Now you won't be able to see what we do to you." Those words seemed to set something off in me. Like some dormant power had awakened from a long slumber. It burst forth from me as I let out one final scream. The screams of the men mixed with my own before the world fell silent and my eyelids slipped shut. It wouldn't be until the next day that I discovered my strange power and met my new friends.

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