20: Jackson

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(Paige POV)

"His stunning" I gushed cradling my beautiful baby boy close to my chest, Jasper peppered my face with kisses "I'm so proud of you" Jasper smiled stroking his sons head.

He is tiny, and the cutest thing ever I can practically feel my heart swelling with pride, we were supposed to go to Bella's wedding but we're going to the ceremony only. All my high school 'friends' would obviously talk and make gossip and Jasper wouldn't stand for that so we're going to Ireland from the tickets I got for my birthday months ago. After having Jackson my bump was completely gone I was a little bit podgy but I didn't care I had my wished for baby.

Jasper just watches over us, and is very protective, the only people that have seen Jackson is Edward and Carlise and Esme since I'm also being overprotective of my son. "Here I'll get him dressed why don't you have a nice bath and get ready" Jasper offered I glanced at Jackson bitting my lip "he will be safe with me Paige, we'll only be in the nursery" Jasper soothed I reluctantly gave in and handed Jasper, Jackson. I haven't slept since having my son I just make sure his safe his never really out of my arms he hasn't even slept in his cot yet.

I got up and went straight to the bathroom showered and put on the dress Alice had been a saint and changed the dress size for me and made a little tux suit for Jackson.

I curled my long hair into loose ringlets and put on the dress and simply mascara and crimson lipstick, I looked at myself in the mirror I like to think I looked okay. I went to the nursery to see Jasper feeding Jackson a bottle of blood, Jackson was dressed in his tiny tux and he looked adorable. "Ya look stunning" Jasper grinned looking up as Jackson greedily drank from the bottle "hmmm, I look okay. Now you go get ready" I grinned swiftly taking Jackson from his arms still feeding Jackson Jasper chuckled kissing my forehead he left.

He went on a stag do with Emmett and Edward and Thomas last night. Emmett complained that Jasper was to distracted so Jasper left early. I heard giggles so I followed the sound.

Alice and Rosalie was getting Bella ready "hey girls!" I grinned Rosalie and Alice squealed dashing over immediately cooing over Jackson who was drinking up the attention he was recieving from his Aunties. "Your so lucky!" Rosalie gushed stroking Jackson's cheek Alice nodded in agreement "so what's the little guys name?" Rosalie asked smiling widely "Jackson" I smiled my baby looked up at me as if I called him I chuckled at his sweet notion and nuzzled his cheek.

"I'm gonna go...Esme has been dying to see Jackson" I smiled "okay...but we get to hug him loads later?" Rosalie asked gesturing to herself and Alice I smiled "probably" I shrugged Rosalie grinned and Alice clapped her hands happily. I left Jackson had finished his bottle so I cradled him easily in one arm as I proceeded to find Esme.

Since she's Jackson's grandmother, not biologically but she might as well be! I found her outside arranging flowers on the isles.

"Look who's come to see grandma!" I grinned Esme laughed and walked over "may I hold him?!" Esme asked excited I nodded handing her Jackson. "His so handsome! Look at those green eyes" Esme cooed Jackson gave her a toothless grin. Despite Jackson being a tiny baby his mind is very smart his mastered most face expressions and he seems to have inherited mine and Jasper's mix in a unique twist.

Jackson can use my gift of touching to see things, but instead of seeing things he influences your emotions.

Esme smiled, "his so precious" Esme smiled venom filling her eyes. I smiled my hand smoothing his dark brown hair he didn't inherit Jasper's honey blonde locks and instead inherited mine, "I'm very gracious" I mummered "I love his little tux" Esme chuckled.

I grinned "the guests will be arriving soon" I sighed as Esme handed me back a sleeping Jackson, "yes, Jasper said you were going to Ireland after the wedding" Esme smiled "yeah well we wanted to use those tickets you got me for my birthday and we thought it would be a great way to relax after all the stress" I smiled as Jackson nuzzled my neck I held his head gently brushing my thumb against his brown curls.

"I'm just worried about everyone from school" I sighed kissing Jackson's head, dread filling me slightly "Me and Carlise will make sure no negativity is said, it's not fair on you, Jackson or Jasper for that matter your both adults now" Esme smiled hugging me being careful of Jackson in my arms.

I smiled and sat on the porch steps Jackson in my arms as he slept soundly, "what ever is wrong?" Jasper asked shocked sitting down next to me "I'm worried" I sighed resting my head on Jasper's shoulder.

"I won't let people say anything" Jasper soothed, "promise?" I asked "Paige I promise" Jasper chuckled I smiled blushing glancing at Jackson was sleeping quietly in my arms "isn't he just perfect" I smiled "he certainly is" Jasper smiled pecking my lips.

"You look handsome" I grinned Jasper smirked "but ma'am ya the finest lil lady around I think I'm gonna have a hard time keepin my hands of ya" Jasper smirked in a strong Texas accent I blushed widely "jazz stop" I mumbled embarrassed. "It's the truth ma'am and I'd never lie ta a pretty face" Jasper chuckled I shook my head embarrassed Jasper always made me blush with his romantic notions.

(Time skip, cos I can!!! 😂)

"She was pregnant!" Jessica snickered "Jess, she's an adult it's normal" Angela sighed, "yeah how old is that baby?" Eric asked "his like tiny....and she only graduated like two months ago...she must of been pregnant when she was at school or something" Eric said bitterly "I thought she looked kinda fat" Mike grinned smugly, Angela was the only one who seemed to not judge. I felt tears prick my eyes.

Jasper wound his arm round me tighter he growled underneath his breath, he glared at my so called high school friends. Obviously all the Cullen's heard and all the Cullen's weren't very happy about it. "I promise you Paige you were never fat" Jasper soothed, "stop lying" I sighed as we watched the speeches take place, we decided to stay until the end.

Jackson cooed happily in my arms, and his little eyes watched his huge bear of an uncle Emmett on stage making rather... embarrassing...jokes?

Jackson was a very clever baby and mentally had the brain of a 2 year old but the body of a newborn. He gurgled happily as Emmett smiled at him when Emmett came off stage he gave Jackson a high five "at least someone found it funny" Emmett grumbled I giggled, Jasper smiled "for what it's worth I found it funny Emmett" Jasper smiled...

"Paige it's just a dance" Jasper sighed, Jackson was watching everyone intently, he seemed to absolutely love the atmosphere of the party. "Here let me hold my grandson" Esme smiled "one dance" I sighed.

I couldn't possibly say no to Esme. I handed Jackson to Esme and Jasper grinned in triumph as he held out his hand I placed my hand in his glaring at him "you can wipe that smug look off your face Jasper Whitlock" I growled lowly at him Jasper just smiled wider.

A upbeat song came on, Jasper twirled me around and we began dancing fast to the beat, but not inhumanely fast, Jasper flipped me over his shoulder as we danced as Jasper twirled me around I saw Jessica and grinned "bitch" I muttered I know she heard she opened and closed her mouth in shock I smirked.

Jasper rested his hands on my hips moving to my ass, "stop moving that ass like that" Jasper mumbled under his breath, lust becoming evident in his eyes "you wanted to dance" I winked as I moved my hips to the beat of the music Jasper tiled me back as we danced he flipped me again earning applause from those watching soon the music came to an end.

I decided to go greet the Denali's, Jackson in my arms and Jasper's arm around my waist, "Kate!" I grinned hugging her one armed, "look at him!" Kate squealed as she lightly pinched Jackson's cheek, Jackson tugged on Kate's hair in return she laughed at Jackson antics.

"His beautiful Paige" Carmen smiled and Eleazar nodded in agreement, I smiled.

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