7: big softie

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(Jasper POV)

"thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" Paige whispered repeatedly in my ear.

I grinned but I knew this may not happen, "you do understand this may not happen" I whispered she fell quiet after a while she spoke again "I understand that" she said sighing heavily "I think, ya should get ready for ya hospital appointment" I mummered.

"Oh fuck, I forget this shit... I'll go find Alice" Paige said getting off the bed "language," I smirked she raised a eyebrow at me "like you've never swore before" Paige repiled sassily I rolled my eyes and watched her leave I listened to her soft padding footsteps, her heart rate proved her excitement over the propersition I made she opened Alice's bedroom door before squealing and slamming the door shut.

She dashed back to our room and quickly jumped in my eyes, face in obvious pure shock "Paige!!!! I'm sorry!!" Thomas yelled from down the hall, I sighed realization dawning on my face "it's happened again hasn't it" I chuckled Paige nodded frantically her face buried my chest, "he was naked!!!" Paige whispered loudly pure shock evident on her precious delicate face Emmett's roaring laughter could be heard from downstairs soon followed with Edwards.

"Your really gonna have to knock" I grinned Paige mumbled something incoherently, I couldn't hear what she had said. "I can never look at Alice or Thomas the same way again" Paige gasped moving her face away from my chest "at least there not Rosalie or Emmett" I grinned Paige's face visibly paled immediately.

As well as just catching Alice and Thomas in the act, Paige had the misfortune of seeing Emmett and Rose doing it in the garage, but it's not like they tried to hide it, Paige valued everyone in this coven as best friends and a second family; "you stay here and I'll get you clothes" I smiled "deal!" Paige said quickly.

"I'm gonna have a shower" Paige sighed heavily getting off my lap, "tell Alice I said red isn't her colour" Paige grinned evilly before scrambling to the bathroom I soon heard the shower taps running. I shrugged and walked calmly to Alice and Thomas's room, I knocked "here's Paige's clothes!" Alice grinned she was wearing a thin nightgown which if you looked you could see red lacy underwear underneath.

I know realised what Paige meant, I'm sure if I was human I'd be blushing like a school boy with a crush, I took the clothes from Alice "sorry Jasper we were caught up in the moment and we didn't hear Paige" Thomas apologized clearly upset with what Paige saw since he doted on Paige like any big brother would with a little sister.

"She's seen worse...way worse" I smirked, Thomas nodded, I left them to it and went into mine and Paige's room only to find her in a towel her hair damp completely knocked out fast asleep. I pondered on what to do, I hate waking her up but she needs these appointments.

"Doll, time ta wake up" I mummered kneeling down gently rubbing her shoulder "I'm tired!" I grumbled before turning away "Paige you have hospital remember" I said softly "fuck off" Paige moaned loudly burying her face in the pillows.

"Let me go get Emmett to wake you" I said, if I warned Paige with this she'd do as she's told. If Emmett was involved he'd tease her and piss her off her anger levels are unbelievable high she's like a cannon when pissed off, "Please don't" Paige whispered tiredly, "come on just for today" I begged softly "I have no energy" Paige argued her voice barely audible "I'll carry ya" I offered kindly, normally I don't ask I just pick her up even if it's against her will.

"I'll get ready then" Paige sighed slowly sitting up, I turned around to give her some privacy. After a few minutes I turned back around and she was changed in a light grey tight sweat pants with a designer logo of course and a matching light grey hoodie with bold crimson block lettering saying 'I woke up this good' she had plain black trainers on and her hair was scrapped back into a ponytail. She was looking at her hands and floor as if both we're the most interesting in the world.

I knelt down on the floor in front of her, I took her hands into mine. "Tell me darlin' what's wrong?" I asked she looked up at me before looking to the side trying to hide her face I put my thumb under her chin tilting her head back towards me only to see tears filling her eyes, "I'm scared" she whispered "it's going to hurt, and I'll be in pain...and I don't even think this is worth it, I'm not worth it" she said quietly.

I pulled her into a hug kissing her forehead repeatedly telling her she is worth it; "I'm going to be turned into a Vampire anyway....there's no point" Paige sighed heavily "maybe this is my jealous gain and greed, but if it means keeping you human for longer... I'll do it" I said Paige gazed at me I could see her mind working she soon nodded in agreement.

I took her hand gently and walked her downstairs, she stayed unusually close to me she's practically clinging; I can't help but feel sad she shouldn't be scared, I should protect her from pain... but I can't protect her from this.
"Good luck Paigey!" Emmett smiled she hid her face in my chest Emmett smile faltered "nervous?" Emmett mummered quietly so only Vampire ears would hear. "Scared" I repiled in the same low tone.

Emmett nodded and tried to focus on the TV but struggled since he knew Paige was in form of distress. I took Paige to the garage and took Rose's shiny red convertible, I made sure the hood of the car was up and Paige was sat in the back seat rather than her usual place next to me in the front. Her knees drawn to her chest her chin hovering over her knees as she leant her head forward her eyes shut her lips pressed in a thin line.

I started the engine and drove to the hospital, "you understand this is for your health not a punishment" I said "I know" Paige whispered "and it won't hurt" I said "liar" Paige said her voice raising slightly above a whisper. "No I'm not" I chuckled "you are" Paige playfully argued "huh!? Since when am I a liar?" I asked "you told me you were cold hearted! You lied your a big softie" Paige smiled her sad aura gone replaced but a calm and relaxed one.

"I am not a softie" I huffed annoyed slightly at her comment "you so are" Paige grinned her legs changed into a cross legged position her head raised looking at me, "how about this...I'm only a softie for you" I smirked "ugh...fine whatever" Paige said her answer hitting straight like a mood swinging teenagers reply would be.

I grinned, at least she still acted her age unlike Bella, I soon pulled up outside the hospital in the parking lot. She got out the car the same time as me, "Carlise said he'd wait at the entrance" I mummered holding her bag which held her magazines and phone and paper and pen for her random draws she usually does, I knew she'd forget it so I took it upon me to bring it for her.

I slid my arm around her waist giving her a quick one armed hug she looked at me unsure before I gave a reassuring smile and she nodded we walked towards the hospital where as Carlise had said would be at the entrance.

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