“Are you ok, doll?” A deep voice said breaking me away from staring as my face began to feel warm with a blush.

“Yeah I’m ok, sorry about bumping into you and thanks,” I said in a whisper.

“It’s not a problem ,” flashing me a knock out smile, “I don’t believe I got your name from the last time I was here, doll. I’m Gabriel.” He said while slowly taking his arms away from my waist before he offering his hand.

“Audrey.” Giving a small smile before placing my hands in his huge hands.

Gabriel brought my hands toward his lips kissing my knuckles as he look at me the entire time keeping his eyes lock on me. My cheeks instantly burned from his gesture as took my hand away from his lips,” I hope to see you again Audrey.” He said before giving me another smile before leaving toward the elevator.

Still feeling as if I was in a trance by Gabriel’s charm I didn’t notice Monica squealing or all the eyes that staring at me probably just as shocked as I was about this situation. It took Monica calling my name to break his spell as I blink as she waved her hand in my face. When my eyes were on her, she broke into the biggest smile that would causes her facial muscle to hurt later.  She start to talk about how he was so into me and that we would make such a cute couple, I could hear everything she was say but I was to focus on what just happen.

   By the time I got home I was exhausted, but at the same time I couldn’t stop thinking which was only keeping me up. Sighing, I rose from my bed as I went to my dresser to pull out one of my hoodies with black yoga pants and getting my black running shoes from the closet. I figured that it I went on a run it would help me to stop thinking about what happen today at the office.

 I lock the front door before I head on the street that took me around the block of the neighborhood, it was pitch black with only the few street light that help a little. I was half around the block when I heard as howling sound in the distance, immediately my body became stiff at the sound as my heart felt like it stop, another howl was heard, but this time it sound closer, a lot closer. My body was still frozen my eyes saw yellowish golden eyes that appeared on the border line of the forest near the neighborhood. My breathing turns into hard shallow as it felt hard to breathe, I could the eyes lock onto me as it crept closer towards me.

As the eyes started to come closer I could see that the eyes belong to a grey timber wolf, its eyes never left me as it stalk closer to me, by now it was only two feet away from me.  Something was telling me that this wolf was no regular wolf that just oh so happen to be in Flint which was too far from Northern Michigan territory for this to be a normal wolf. By now the wolf was only just about a couple of steps in front of me it was then that I took notice that this wolf wasn’t alone instead it was two other wolves behind the first wolf, but their distance. Something wet touched my leg, I would have scream but there were two reasons as to why I couldn’t.

 One was my body still was frozen with fear and the other was because I knew that if a wolf approach you to never run because it would take it as a challenge and since I knew this wasn’t a normal wolf. I wasn’t going to take my chances.

 The wolf began to sniff me as he poke my leg with his wet nose, closing my eyes taking slow deep breaths trying to calm my nerves before I end up doing something I regret. When I open my eyes I saw that the wolf was not just staring at me holding its head confuse.  I was starting not to care whether it would take my running as a challenge because as of now I just want to leave and forget about this whole ordeal because this wolf was making me a little uncomfortable by being so close.  I carefully pick my foot out to walk away when a growl warned me to place it back on the ground. I look up toward the wolf, who was now baring his teeth at me making me freeze as he still growled walking behind when I felt a push from behind me shoving me forward towards the forest. I could myself panic as I realize what this wolf wanted from me, I stood my ground as it keep pushing me.

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