An escape plan

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Hey everyone! Here's quite a long chapter cause I know you've all been waiting, so thank you! Hope you enjoy :) 

Eleven's POV

They had a little boy. He was no older than five years old, and he had found me so easily.

I had been planning to run, as I always used to do, because Becky had called the bad men. I knew I had to find my sister, Eight. But they had caught me instead. I was caught off guard as I saw a single child outside the house, and he looked innocent and scared. But what surprised me the most was the number on his wrist. "005" I was going to ask him how he escaped when hands grabbed me, and metal cuffs forced my hands and legs together. I began to concentrate my powers, to kill whoever had trapped me, but the boy cried out, stopping me in my tracks. Perhaps the men were important to him. They had never been important to me, though the boy was so young, how would he know any better.

I frantically began thrashing, trying to see who was behind me. But after I felt a dart in my neck, everything went black. 

Your POV

Barb and I set out once we'd gotten a couple hours of good sleep, heading for the lab at first light. We planned to head to the lab and find the gate, which Eleven had told me was in the largest lab. 

I had no idea the layout of the Hawkins lab, so I was just hoping I would sense where the gate was. By Barb's calculations it'd take around 5 hours to walk to the lab, and that is if we didn't run into anything threatening. 

If it came to that, I just dearly hoped I could distract them long enough for Barb to run through the gate. I'd heard the chittering noises of those dogs a few days ago, but so far they hadn't entered into my territory. 

For the first couple of hours, we were running purely on the hope of escaping this place. I still hadn't told barb about all that Nancy had spilled, about Barb's parents and friends that knew nothing of what had happened to her. But she was smart, I'm sure she had figured it out, I just wished she knew that they were still hopeful... that they could still get their Barb back. 

Barb's POV

The Upside Down was cold, and it rested heavily on our shoulders. But at least I knew we were going the right way. Though everything was dark, damp and cold in the Upside Down, the buildings and landmarks told me that we were indeed on the correct track. 

Suddenly I heard a quiet chittering that was only annoying at first. But then Two stopped in her tracks, staring at me in fear and distress. There was a scrambling noise added to the chittering, and I had a feeling the sound was a lot more threatening than I initially perceived. 

Your POV

I froze at the familiar sound. We'd managed to evade them up until now, but I guess they felt we were coming into their territory, the lab that they needed to defend. 

I motioned for Barb to be even quieter than we already were, and to go slowly without any sudden movements. Neither of us could see them yet, but we could sense them. The way all creatures of the Upside Down made your neck muscles tense, and your hairs creep up in a slow surprise and fear. I hated this feeling. But if they were to attack I knew we could outrun them. The lab was visible and hopefully we'd be sheltered there. 

I closed my eyes, preparing to defend. The familiar surge of power was building up inside me, radiating from my head to my outer limbs. 

Barb and I quickened our pace towards the lab, but suddenly a demon dog jumped out at us, hissing with a menace that reminded me of the shadow monster, but this time it was only focused on us. 

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