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Two Weeks Later:

Markus sat in the hospital room next to a pale Jani. Yet again he was stressing. He just proposed to the love of his life and she was shot and almost killed.

It hurt to hear Jani dying on the other end of the phone. It's like he could literally feel his heart shattering from hearing her cough up blood and her breath fade away.

It was a miricale that she didn't die and he was so thankful. That she was here. They just moved her from the ICU and she in stable condition but she still hasn't woken up from her coma.

He prayed every night that she would wake up soon, he missed her.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and he grabbed it. He was expecting this text because its a lead on who shot Jani.

Markus was working day and night to catch who shot her. He wanted revenge. Who ever this person was almost took everything to him.  Now he was out for blood because this person didn't understand that what they did came with consequences. This person didn't think about the life they were taking.

But what markus didn't understand was that in his line of work, He does exact same thing as what that robber did.  He kills people. A family member. A possible mother or father.  A son. A brother or sister. The only thing that he understood and that was currently clouding his judgment was that his fiancé was in a coma.

Rich: I got something. Meet me at our spot in 15.

Markus: Omw.

Markus closed his phone, kissed Jani's forehead and walked out of the hospital. He had some business to take care of and he was ready to get the person who did this.

"Make sure you guys keep an eye on her" Markus told a nurse before walking out of the hospital.

He got into his car and drove to a resturant on the corner of 5th street.

He had a few minutes till Rich came so he just decided to sit in the car. He leaned his head against the window and closed his eyes.

Sometimes Markus felt like beating  everyone in his sight because of Jani's shooting. But he knew that wouldn't be right.

He beat him self up for what happened. He wondered 'what if I went with her I would have been able to prevent all of this shit' or 'I should have went instead of her'. 

If Markus could he would trade places with her in a heart beat. He couldn't do this on his own. They now have a child and he doesn't know The first thing about taking care of a child.

Its like Jani had it all in control. Then some dumb man comes and shoots her, and take her away from her family.

Markus looked down and squeezed his eyes together because he was about to cry. But he soon picked it up due to a knock at his window.

He looked up to see Rich looking at him.

He pulled the keys out of his car and stepped out.

"Wassup man" Markus said dapping him up

"Nun much bruh but i got something for you" He said as they walked into the resturant and sat in a booth.

"What you got?" Markus asked

Rich pulled out a folder and passed it to Markus.

Markus looked at the folder to see a black man with an odd tattoo on the side of his face.

"His name is Simmon. We heard that he's connected to the man we saw in the camara from across the street. If you can get to Simmon then you can get to dude from the footage." He said

"Alright thanks bruh" he said

Markus saw the footage of what happened from the camera's across the street and the dumb ass who shot Kijani took the mask off of his face. No one knows who he is so its hard to track him down. But this is the first real lead they've have on him so this is a start from where Markus was a week ago.

"So how you holding up man?" Rich asked

"I've been better but a real nigga is getting lonely, I miss her"  he replied

"She'll wake up in no time bruh" he said snapping his fingers getting the attention of a waitress that was behind the counter.  "You hungry man?"

"Nah I'm about to head out I have someone I need to go see" Markus said getting up

"Alright be safe bruh" Rich said as Markus slightly pulled his pants up

"I will, you too"

Markus walked out of the resturant and got into his car. He needed to go see his baby. He hasn't seen her in hours. He made his way home to get Ki'niah and take her to hospital with him. She needs to see her mother too.

As soon as he got to the house he went up the stairs and straight to her room where he saw Chantal sitting there playing with her.

He could honestly say that she is the best God mother ever.

"Hey Chantal" he said

"Hey Markus" she said while playing with Ki'niah

"You can take a brake I came to get her" he said

"Okay" she said standing up "before you go to the hospital you should really get some sleep you look like you haven't slept or ate in days"

"Im good Chantal, really"

"You sure because you look like you could pass out in any minute" she said

"Nah im good ima just chill here for a second then get her ready to go see her mama"  he said looking over at her

"Okay" Chantal said before walking away

"You wanna go see mama?" Markus asked as he picked his baby up from the floor

"Huh?" he asked again while he kissed on her face

She smiled as drool came out of her mouth.

That cause Markus to smile. The only person that really makes him smile right now is his baby girl.

"I love you, do you love me?" Markus asked Ki'niah

Knowing she couldnt answer he laughed to himself.

"Let me get you ready to see mommy" he said kissing her chubby cheeks


Ja'Markus in the mm

I decided to change his character



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