Chapter 3

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I was happy for Bethy. Because she had found happiness, and I knew she was safe with Daryl. And that's all I ever wanted for her, like any father would. Daryl was the kind of man that would do anything and everything to keep his people safe. But I was still beginning to get an uneasy feeling about staying so long at the prison. It had become our home, a safe place for us to live. Well, as safe as anywhere could be. I didn't know if I was the only one who felt this way, and I wasn't about to just wait around for something to happen that confirmed my fears.

I walked out to Cell Block A and sent a person to each block to round everybody up. When everybody got back to A, they were all in a fuss over the subject of the meeting. "Hey" The ruckus continued. "HEY" Still it went on. Everyone jumped when a gunshot went off. All heads flung to the left to see Beth standing at the top of the stairs, gun still raised. She pointed to me and eyes uneasily came back to me. "Somethin's coming. I can feel it. We might not be as safe here as we thought. It's just a hunch. How many of you have ever felt like you were being watched?" Almost every hand shot up. "And how many of you were actually being watched?" About a third of those hands went down. "Lately I've been feeling that way. Like someone's watching us. Scouting out the prison."

When I ended the meeting, it left people talking. On guard. Watching for anything unusual. That was good. We needed all eyes out.


Beth and I were on our way back to Block B. "What'd you think Daddy was talkin' about? Somebody watching us." Beth looked at me, worry in her eyes. I just shook my head. "Don't know." "Well Daddy's usually right, and I'm glad he knows what he's doing for most things, but..." She looked down at her feet. "But what?" She stopped. I took a step back to meet her, and she looked back up at me. "But this time. . . I just hope he's wrong." I stepped closer to her and put my hands on her shoulders. "Me too. . . but we'll be fine either way. I won't ever let anything happen to you. I promise." She smiled a little for just a second, then it was gone again.


I knew Daryl would take care of me no matter what. I trusted him with my life, and I always would. He squeezed my shoulders lightly and we started walking again. We walked the rest of the way in silence.


When I heard the door open and saw them come in, I left for my cell. I couldn't stand seeing them together. . .


I watched Carol walk away when she saw us come in. I didn't really know what was wrong. Why was she so upset? I could feel Daryl's eyes on me and I looked away from her and down to the floor. Daryl grabbed my hand and led me up to his cell. When we got there, he sat down on the bed and pulled me into his lap. "Listen, Carol and I used to. . . almost have something together. But it never really worked out. I think that's what she's upset about. She's probably just a little jealous that I love you but not her." I nodded. I didn't want Carol to be upset with me, I didn't know about her and Daryl's past. It was almost like Daryl was reading my mind. "It'll be okay. She'll get over it. Don't think on it too much." He kissed my cheek. I turned to look at him and he pressed his lips to mine. When he pulled away he looked me in the eyes. "You okay?" I was quiet for a minute and Daryl looked at me, concerned. I took a deep breath for him and smiled. "Yeah. I'm okay."


I knew how Carol could be. She'd get over it soon enough. But I wasn't gonna let her upset Beth, she already started to and it was killing me. I laid back on the bed and Beth did too. It was startin' ta get late. Pretty soon Beth was out, and I didn't wanna wake her up. A breeze blew through a crack in the wall and Beth turned over to snuggle up close to my side. I wrapped my arm around her and closed my eyes.

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