Chapter 2

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"What?! Since when? Do you have any idea how old he is?" Daddy wasn't happy. "It doesn't matter Daddy. I love him! Don't you know how that feels? What about mom?" Daddy looked down towards his feet, understanding now what I meant. Daryl sat silently by my side, obviously nervous. "Yes Beth. I know exactly what love feels like, and I also know what losing it feels like. I just don't want you to have to feel that if. . ." I knew what he was implying. "Daddy, the world we live in now gives us no guarantees. But all we can do is live in the moment, and this is our moment. We can't just live in fear every moment, this life is about taking chances. We need to take ours. Maggie and Glenn are taking theirs, Lori died taking her chances. Please just support us. . ." Daddy looked up at me, his expression tired and sad. "I understand, Bethy. I just want you to be happy with whatever decisions you make." I smiled at him. "This is my decision, Daddy. And I'm very happy." His expression changed to a tired smile. "Welcome to the Greene family, Daryl." Daryl grinned widely and hugged me tightly. "Thank you, sir." "You can still call me Herschel, Daryl. Or Daddy, if you prefer." We all laughed. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around Daddy's neck. "Thank you, Daddy. I love you." He patted my back and said: "I love you too, Bethy."


When Herschel accepted Beth's and my relationship, I couldn't believe it. I was crazy happy, and so in love. "Have you told the rest of the group?" Herschel was smiling a bit more now. "Nah. Maggie knows and you know. That's all." Herschel looked surprised. "Maggie knows?" Beth spoke up before I could answer. "Maggie saw us. . . um. . . kissing outside." Beth and I turned bright red and Herschel laughed. "Forget yourselves did you?" Beth giggled next to me. Her movement tugged me back to reality. "Ya. Guess we did." I looked down at my hands. Beth slid her hand into mine, feeling my nervousness. She leaned real close to my ear. "It's okay. Daddy's really laid back. You can relax." I breathed out a little at this, but didn't do much more. "Well I guess we better let the rest of the group know, so it's not so much of a shock if they see you two together. We don't need any heart attacks around here. I nearly had one when you told me." He laughed. Beth broke in. "Could you do it, Daddy? You're a lot better with words." Herschel nodded and stood up, jerking his head for us to follow him out to call a meeting.


One collective gasp. That's all there was. I held my breath. . . and Daryl's hand, while we waited for more reaction. All of a sudden, to my surprise, the group started to cheer and almost everyone was all smiles. . . except for Carol.


When I heard about Beth and Daryl, I was heartbroken. I ran off toward my cell, trying not to cry in front of everyone. When I got there, I dropped onto the bed and bawled my eyes out. I wasn't ready to let the idea of Daryl moving on sink into my head.


I saw Carol run off when Herschel told them Beth and me were together. I should have felt bad about hurting her, but I felt worse that I didn't feel bad for her. I couldn't bring myself to feel like a bad person. But I was happy for me n' Beth. I looked over at her, grinning about as wide as I'd ever seen her. I nudged her with my elbow and she turned and hugged me around the shoulders, pulling me downward and pressing her soft lips to mine.

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