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Frisk POV:

As I looked around the yard,  Bun was nowhere be seen,  I didn't know where she had went and why.  I must have missed something,  something important. Leaning my body forward and putting my arms on my knees staring at the ground putting each piece of everything I knew into one.

That's when I felt somethin- no someone lean on my back and whisper into my ear.  "Whatchya doin' sweetheart? Your missing all the fun elsewhere~" I recognized the voice perfectly.  Of course G just had to stroll over to me,  didn't he? Putting more of his weight onto my hack he put his face beside mine.  "I told ya the first day sweetcheeks,  I don't like being ignored. " he said.  I realized my cheeks were burning red when he said sweetcheeks.

That's when I punched his skull away from my face not to hard,  but not to soft.  Just the right amount of strength. But,  when I looked at my hand I realized it was enough strength to make him bleed.  And that is when the everyone turned silent,  that is when everyone looked at me and G.  I turned around to look at G and his flaming yellow eye which terrified me,  but he was holding his mouth,  blood dripping threw the holes in his palms.

"Next time. I won't be the nice guy. " He said as he moved his hands away from his mouth and kicked me neck causing me to flip forward. He jumped over the bench I once sat on and went in to of me punching me countless of times in the face. 

Every action comes with a consequence. I thought.

I couldn't handle anymore pain and I pulled the necklace right off his neck making the chain break. I heard him mumble,  which slowly became into a threatining voice, deep but smooth.  "Dont." he grabbed the collar of my shirt.  "You. " He pulled me up to where are foreheads touched as I trembled in fear holding the necklace. "Dare. " he threw my head back into the ground taking the necklace from my grip and walking off with the bell ringing.


Sitting in the corner of my cell I watched Watching multiple times trying to fix the chain on his necklace.  Why did he care for it so much? Was it from someone he cared for other then himself.?

"G,  let me fix it-" I began until I got cut off from the death glare that G had given me.  His eyes were filled with hatred and revenge. He hasn't spoken since the fight, and that worried me.  How serious was this to him that made him quiet. 

He scoffed as he turned back to the chain trying to fix it. Surprisingly he figured out how to make them connect once again. He slid on the necklace tucking it in his collar rolling onto his 'stomach' facing the wall.  I could tell he hated me for sure,  and I was sure my plan would never work if he was this angry.

Laying on the floor my eyes fell shut as I drifted off to sleep.

Trapped Together.. [Jailtale: Sans × Frisk] DISCONTINUED/PAUSEDWhere stories live. Discover now