Chapter 2

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"Justin, I'm home!" I yelled to the house.

When i received his call while i was with vera, i knew something was off. He wouldn't tell me what was going on. He was frantic and sounded out of breath. So instead of questioning him i came home. I hope he's not in trouble, he told me he was done with those days.

"I'm upstairs babe." He shouted back.

I ran up the stairs and turned left towards our room to see him walking out with one bag then he quickly went back into the room. I followed him. There were clothes everywhere and our bags were spread across the bed.

I hesitantly said," going somewhere?"

"No. We are. We're leaving the state" he responded.

"Why whats going on? Are we in trouble. What did you do?" I slowly started raising my voice.

"Lani you know i would never go back to the business. I'm 33 now, why would i do something i stopped doing when i was 21, something that also almost got us hurt?" he said.

"Ok then what is it!" I yelled.

He stared at me for a while...too long. I started to panic. Then he turned around and walked to the dresser, opened it up and pulled out a sheet of paper then walked back to me. He handed it to me.

"Whats this justin. Whats going on. Tell me what the hell is this." I started chanting this over and over.

He came up to me and took the paper out my hand while also turning me and sitting me on the bed.

"I don't know baby. I was taking my morning run, you saw me leave. I went to my normal trail. As i was running i went further into the forest. I started seeing papers on the trees, i thought they were missing dog or cats pages. Then i started seeing more the deeper i got. Lani there were hundreds of them scattered everywhere. I saw something on the ground and went to pick it up, also turning over this paper. Lani we have to go "

I stared at him in complete shock. I had no words. I have never been in a situation like this and i was absolutely terrified.

In a quiet voice i said, " what about my mom. My dad? My little sister? I cant just leave."

"No we wont be gone long. Just long enough for me to figure out what to do." He told me.

"What do you mean?! We need to go to the police. We need to talk to someone. My friends husband is a P.I, we can talk to him." I retorted.

"Thats not a bad idea. But lani. We. have. To. Go..... Now."

I got up and looked in his eyes. He looked frightened out of his skin. I guess we're leaving. Now.

"Ok. What do you need me to do?" I quietly asked him. Then i visually saw him semi relax. He told me that i can grab our toiletrees since he's almost done packing clothes. I silently went to our bathroom to pack. The whole time i was quietly sobbing.

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