Isn't It Ironic?

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A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic, don't you think
A little too ironic, and yeah I really do think - Alanis Morissette

The girls and I were so happy. We don't know how we did it, but we got signed to fucking Interscope. You know the guy from Nine Inch Nails? Yeah, apparently after all of those venues we did it paid off.  I never would've imagined that we would've gotten fucking signed to them of all people. But then again it's still the eighties. They were probably doped up on drugs when they saw us.

That day the girls and I went out to just celebrate and hang out. We never really had any outings, because none of us were really that fucking social, but a few glasses of liquid courage later and we're all fully out of our shells.

We were giggling like little school girls and dancing like a bunch of morons, but I was so happy! I bet they were too. We finally made it! We were about to release our debut album too! It was just a rush of emotions just spilling out of us that day.

We were so hungover the next day we barely knew who we were and forgot where we were.

"Icy! Alison!" I yelled out into the air.

"What do you want you pale albino freak of nature!" Alison was never one for getting up early. 

"We made it Aly! We're going somewhere and it's not at the side of the rode asking for rides this time!" I said this jokingly, but she had a look of fake and playful anger sprawled across her face.

"That was only one time, you bitch!" She playfully slapped me and turned back over on the couch allowing the ruby red hair of her to completely cover her face.

I laughed quietly at her antics and began to look around for Icy. She was in a sense the mom of our group. This was so ironic, because she was the little midget of the group. Icy stood at 5'2. I wasn't much taller, but she was the size of a baby to us, despite her mature and reserved personality.

I quickly made my way into the kitchen of our small apartment only to find her fixing tea and warming up some leftovers from the other day. She turned towards me sensing my presence in the room smiling slightly towards me.

She walked over to me and handed me a small cup of raspberry green tea.

"This is for you. It'll help take the headache away from last night." She was so responsible I'm surprised she even joined our dumb band.

"I didn't feel like fixing breakfast today so we'll just have to suffice with old pizza." She smiled towards me.

She always gave off this earthy and serene hippie vibe. I loved being around her.

After a few minutes she sat down across from me at the table with this sort of giddiness to her. "Are you excited, Clarisse?" looking down towards her tea. She was shyer and more introverted than me in that aspect. I could get loud and obnoxious at times (Thanks to you forcing me out of my comfort zone), but she was usually meek as a mouse. Again, however, despite all that she was the parent of the group.

"About what?" I smirked inwardly.

"About our record deal silly! We might get to be somebodies!" She was beginning to get all excitable, while going on and on about this. It was exhilarating for her. It was for all of us, but for her it was different it was special to her, because this was her proof that she finally made it somewhere. 

"Do you know when we start recording our album? I have so many songs I want to be on our first album." 

She began to quiet down as the serious look overtook her face again. "We have to be at the recording studio by noon today. But I think we should start thinking on what we want our breakout album's main theme to be. We don't want to seem wet behind the ears."

She was always calculating, and always thinking. She was right of course, but that didn't even cross my mind until she decided to bring it up.

"Well I'm going to go get my stuff situated in the van, and get ready and stuff. Help yourself to the rest of the pizza if you want."

I mumbled out a small 'sure' as she left the room to go get ready. How were we going to handle all the stress of being 'professional' artists and musicians now? My mind couldn't properly wrap around that thought. What if it changes us? I hated the thought of change. To me for the most part change was always bad and damaging. It frightened me to think what would happen to us in the upcoming years.

I shook those thoughts away as I went to get ready myself.

When we were all ready we packed ourselves into our rubbish looking van and made our way to the studio.

When we arrived Reznor and Iovine were sitting there waiting for us. It was right down to business when we entered. They seemed to really dig our style, but it was fucking nerve-racking for me. Never in my wildest dreams would I think that I would be playing in front of those two. It was mind-boggling to me.

When we finished recording 3 or four songs they stopped us to ask us a question. 

"You guys sound great, but what are we to even call this album? All the songs you made are great, but for the most part they don't really connect or flow with each other."

The girls and I looked at each other with worry and confusion evident on our faces. We didn't know what the hell to call our debut album. This must've looked bad. But this was the good thing about my brain to mouth filter being barely existent (or existent at all). I just burped out the first thing that came to mind.

It was just like us. No rhyme or reason and not a damned care in the world.


A/N This chapter focused a lot more of her band. I know Kurt wasn't in here at all, but I figured I needed to show Clarisse with her actual band at least once in this book. Don't worry Kurdt will show up in the next chapter. Have a nice day.

You Know Your Rights!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora