Force Crossed Lovers

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His master had warned him the light would rise up against him, but he had never envisioned an opponent such as her. The emotions she stirred within him were confusing and would not be silenced. She called to him again. He had no idea how she was connecting with him, how could she be so strong without any focused training? He clenched his fists. This wouldn't do. He tried to focus his mind. Tried to shut her out.

But she would not be ignored and when he turned his head he saw her as he had so many times before. Her keen eyes bore into him, her face was lit by the blaze of a nearby campfire. The flames danced in her eyes, both challenging and tempting him. She looked tired, he had noted she trained ferociously which he admired her for, but it made it harder for her to keep the walls between them in place.

'Why have you come to me?' He tried to keep his voice calm and void of emotion.

'You know I do not control this, I do not come to you willingly.' He could hear the exhausted annoyance in her voice, but her tone did not discourage him. He found himself alone so often since the defeat,

'And yet you are here, again. Apparently against your will though I see no evidence of this. So, what would you have of me? Do you want to compare dis-functional childhoods again?'

Rey rolled her eyes and he thought he might have detected a hint of a smile.

'No, I want nothing from you. We need not even talk. Perhaps this link we have will just fade away if we ignore it.'

'Very well.'  He agreed and started to remove his shirt.

'What are you doing?' She was startled, her eyes were wide, but he noted they travelled up and down his bare chest carefully.

'I'm doing exactly as you requested. I'm ignoring you. I was about to take a shower and retire for the evening when you so rudely interrupted me.'

Rey chewed her lip, clearly conflicted,

'Okay. I will simply not look.'

She shrugged her shoulders and turned her eyes to the floor. Kylo smirked. He started to remove his pants and sneaked a glance at her, she was still studying the ground intently. He removed his belt, trousers and underwear. When next he glanced he saw her staring at him, her mouth was wide open and her eyes, her eyes were dilated and hungry just as they had been previously when she had caught his in various stages of undress. She swallowed quickly and looked away. Kylo laughed,

'Guess I'm not so easy to ignore.' He smirked wrapping a towel around his waist.

Rey feigned indifference and rolled her eyes, she kept her gaze firmly on his face as she answered,

'I was merely......caught off guard. As if I could ever be interested in a man such as you.'

That was a lie. He felt her attraction to him, but anger still rose within him,

'Yes, a man such as me, abandoned by my parents, betrayed by my uncle. With a family upbringing such as this how could I have possibly lost my way?'

'So, you admit you have lost you way?'

Rey questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Kylo sighed, 'You never give up do you?'

'Never, I see the good in you although you fight hard to hide it. You still care. You couldn't push the button that day, you didn't want to be the one that killed her. That image among others I have seen in your mind gives me hope. I can't break this connection with you no matter how hard I try so I choose to believe there is a reason we are still united, and that reason must be so I can win you back.'

Force Crossed Lovers (Rey and Kylo Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now