"I told you, niggas ain't shit. That's my motto all 2018." Keisha said, putting all of her clothes on a hanger.

It was spring cleaning for Bailey's family so, she just decided to stay inside to clean then, she'd eat food and and watch movies on her fire stick.

"Keisha, can we not? Thank you." Bailey stale faced her. She was definitely not in the mood today. She felt as if King had played her. Was he pursuing her for all the wrong reasons? That would explain the not texting back until weeks later, and not answering her calls. Honestly, Bailey didn't think she was ready for relationships. She was still young, and taking on relationships were hard.

"Uh, yes we can. Bailey, I told you what it was from the beginning. These niggas in college don't want nothing from you but pussy, especially themes  older boys."

"But, I thought that he was different."

"All females think that. I mean, you can't expect a fine nigga not to have hoes or a body count above 10."

"And plus, you barley know this dude. If anything, he could be a serial killer." Keisha added on, laughing.

Bailey laughed, "I highly doubt that, but I'm gonna stop on dating for a little while. Just gonna enjoy myself while I can."

"We can be hoes together. The more you hoe, the less pimples you'll grow. Remember that." Keisha pointed out.
"Shutup. You so foolish." Bailey laughed at her cousins antics.

"If we going to be hoes together, I have to tell you the do's and don'ts of this game." Keisha came and plopped down next to Bailey.

"Keisha, I refused to turn into a hoe with you."

"Yes you is. But like I was saying, one Do is to find a nigga with a big dick. You can tell if they have a big dick if they walk with their legs slightly open. A don't is to not date any fat dudes."

"Why?" Bailey asked in curiosity.

"Ok so, this one time I was in this phase where I was into fat dudes. So I met this one dude. He was cute, and had some stacks on him. So we dating for like a good 6 months and I'm like I need to get the dick. So we in the room, getting all romantic and shit. I'm naked lookin' good and this nigga getting undressed. This nigga pulled down his boxer, I can't see shit. So, I'm like Where ya' dick at? And he talkin' bout some Right here. This nigga dick was behind his stomach. But anyways, we fuckin', And he on top of me. At this point, I'm not feeling shit so, I'm just sitting there moaning. 5 mins later, this nigga fell asleep on top of me. It took me a good hour to get from under his fat ass." Keisha shook her head, laughing.

Bailey sat next to her, doubling over in laughter.

Their moment was interrupted by the door bell ringing.

"I'll get it." Bailey yelled, before heading to the door.

She opened the door, and there stood Matthew.

"What are you going here King? How did you even get my address?"

"I got it off of find my location." King said, putting his arms into his pockets.

"What do you want ?" Bailey stepped outside, folding her arms.

"I just came to talk to you about what happen yester-" King was cut by Bailey speaking.  

"You know what," She held up. "I not mad. There's no reason for me to be mad, really. We barely know each other anyways."Bailey said, looking down.

"I just wanted to say sorry for what that girl did. She's just some broad that-" He was interrupted again.

"Some girl that you used to mess with. But, you were with her yesterday so you must've been still messing with her. Honestly, I don't think that neither of us are ready for a relationship. Maybe we'll cross roads again or something. But right now, I just want to live my life and not have to stress about satisfying someone else's needs."

"I hear whatchu' saying but, that don't mean we have to end what we have going on."

"Answer this question, and answer it truthfully. What is your body count?"

"Uh..." He thought.

"You really don't know? Wow." She said heading to open her door.

"Maybe, when we get back to Miami we cans talk about this. Right now, I don't feel like discussing this with you. Goodbye, King." That was the last thing  she said before she closed the door behind her.
Hi guys👋🏾.

I need a writer to co write with me... Message me on Wattpad.

Chapter 7 and 8 coming  this weekend. There will be a time skip.

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