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After classes are over, I make my way to the pastry shop for my training but before I even got to leave the parking lot, Harry comes up to me offering to take me to the shop and I gladly accept. The autumn weather is getting quite chilly and i'd rather stay warm.

"So why did you want to take this job?" Harry asked me to break the silence

"I thought I wouldn't have an interview." I said chuckling

"Well no, but this is me genuinely wondering." Harry said smiling

"Well I need a job if I want to maintain myself. Zayn tried convincing me to not get a job but I just feel awful living off of him." I said looking out the window

"He could be your sugar daddy ay." Harry said laughing

I shook my head and soon enough we reached the shop.

"Hello dad, this is Niall Horan. The new employee I was telling you about." Harry said mentioning me to his dad

"Hello Niall nice to meet you, i'm your boss Robin Styles I hope you know to take this job serious. Baking delicious pastries is not an easy job oh no but i'm sure you'll do great don't let me down." Mr. Styles said to me and extended his hand for me to shake

"I won't sir, thank you." I said shaking his hand

"Well i'll be heading home, Harry you know how to handle things here. If in an emergency just call me. Also-"

"Yes dad I know, check twice that I lock the doors." Harry said rolling his eyes playfully

Once Mr. Styles left the shop Harry handed me an apron and let me in behind the counter.

"I thought your dad would be the one training me, I mean he is the boss." I said shrugging

"Do you not trust me Horan? I am hurt." Harry said fake crying

"Mmm let's not go there yet."

"Well he was going to but since I never really had a slip up then he trusts me to give you the training." Harry said leading me towards the kitchen

"Do you have any experience baking?" Harry asked

"Yeah a bit."

"Good we can work with that. These are the pastries and sandwiches we make, this is the cookbook if you're not sure how to make something. You'll get the gist of it after awhile that you won't need the cookbook since it takes more time. I mostly make the drinks up at front but we can switch once in awhile, I know how frustrating it can get back here." Harry said basically giving me a tour of the kitchen

I paid close attention because I didn't want to mess up and disappoint Harry's dad and I also need the job.

It felt like hours once we were done but we did it. I did a few practices and I only messed up once but overall Harry said I did great.

"Today was good, tomorrow will be your last training day and it'll only be making the drinks. Nothing too hard and you can start working on Wednesday." Harry said patting my back

"Ouch." I said backing away from his touch

"Yeah sorry it hurt my hand too." Harry said chuckling

"Okay well thank you, I guess i'll see you tomorrow." I said taking off the apron and getting my things

"Yeah hey Niall, are you going to Wesley's party?" Harry asked

"Uh I'm not so sure." I said shaking my head

"You should go, it'll be fun." Harry said smiling at me

"I'll think about it." I said exiting the shop

a/n: okay so recap!! It's been since august that I uploaded (very sorry) so here's what's going on if you forgot

•Wesley (popular guy, awesome football player, hates niall) invited Niall to his party at his place on Friday and Niall was confused as to why Wesley would invite him and he had a bad feeling about it so he's thinking of not going.

•Zayn and Niall are still dating
•Harry is being nice to Niall (for now hehe)

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