"What happened to it?"

I pretended to act offended, "You don't like my magic hair?"

"No, it's nice but how did it do that?"

"You see the full moon?" He looked out the window to the moon, where it shone brightly next to unseen stars. He nodded and looked back at me, "I was born with the ability to control the night and since my brother and sister were born normal and I was the last born, I had to be given the gift to light up the dark. It doesn't make that much sense but I can also sense death and give nightmares to my enemies. Rose always told me that I brighten the way for the good and bring fear to the evil but it kind of sucks that I was given that gift." I choked out the last sentence and looked down.

"That still doesn't explain the hair much," he pointed out.

"I was given the gift to brighten the night for good and haunt the evil. The good side involves the moon. People think it's evil but in actuality, the moon is like the largest light the night can offer, brightening the way making it good, but it's dark side is bad to people. I'm considered the daughter of the moon and one of the perks of that is that depending on the moon's phase, my hair turns into it's phase in a way." He nodded and I looked outside again, the moon becoming even more emboldened in the darkening sky, making my hair my vibrant white.

"Why do you think that creature bit us in the first place?"

"Can I be totally honest?" Zayn nodded and I took a deep breath and sighed, "I have no idea."


I walked solemnly in a full green forest, staring down at the ground without a care. I saw some of the trees beginning to create petal pink and baby blue blossoms. Spring. A couple birds flew in the bright blue skies, others remained in the trees, singing their own melody at random. A couple smaller forest animals ran across my feet while I was walking and disappearing in the bushes near by. A small stream was to my left, clean water moving downstream of me. It's only a little cloudy, fair weather, not to cold, not to warm, perfect. I held my tessens in it's sleeve, but still had a grip on it's handle.


I jumped and turned around, pulling out my tessens and opening them to expose a blade's edge when I froze, a single tear finding it's way down my cheek. A man that looks to be about early thirties, shaggy black hair and ghostly grey eyes is the first thing I see, blantly handsome for his age, wearing a black tee-shirt, boots and jeans. It's a face that I'll never forget for as long as I live.

"It's great to see you, kid."

I took a couple steps back and my tessen fell out of my hand, not making much of a sound on the way to the ground but a small metaling ding on the ground is all I heard.

"What are you doing here?" I didn't mean to make it sound rude, but it came out that way.

A look of surprise became part of his facial outlines and rose his hands in the air in innocence, "I came to see you."

I looked around at my surroundings cautiously, "Is that why I'm here?"

"Yes. I saw them wake up, Sapphire, I saw everything."

My breath hitched in my throat and a sob almost came out from my lips, "You saw?"

His features instantly became solemn, "Yes, I did."

My words then started coming out in a questioning waterfall, "Where's Rose? Is she okay? What's going to happen to her? Is she still here? How bad was-"

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