The Story of the Wakahaka Incident

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A/N: Hello there dear readers! So this is my most recent UtaPri fanfcition and I will just wanr you now, it's pure crack. Like there is no seriousness in any of this, it's just what happens when I'm fed up with school and my friends give me crazy ideas. 

So before we start I just want to warn anybody with a bird phobia, if you have that I wouldn't recommend this story to you, but anyway I hope you can forgive me for this terrible crack fanfiction...please enjoy this terrible cracky one shot~

It was a peaceful January evening and you were sitting in one of the bigger common rooms of the Shining Agency, surrounded by Starish, Quartet Night and the majority of Heavens. It had been a busy week for everybody, but you had decided to invite the boys from Raging Entertainment over to play some guys and catch up with each other. You were currently checking through Quartet Night's schedule one last time before you could relax completely. The full moon shone brightly in through the big wall windows in the room, and illuminated you all.

It was around 8 P.M when you finally closed your laptop and deemed yourself done for the day. That was also around the time you heard a horrendous scream from the upper floor of the building.

You all turned around to look at the direction the scream had come from. It had sounded like a bird, but no bird could produce such a scream. It was creepy.

You all sat for a moment in silence just staring at each other and the door.

"What in the world was that?" Tokiya was the one to break the silence as he looked to you confusion in his blue eyes.

You didn't get to answer him before Eiji's eyes widened in something that looked like realization as he looked to his older brother and said, "Nii-san, where is Van?" in a slightly nervous tone.

Eiichi looked scared to his younger brother as he closed his book and then shot up and ran to one of the grand windows in the room.

"Crap" he muttered as he stared out at the full moon.

"What?" Camus asked from his seat in a chair as he put his candy down on a table and looked to Eiichi.

"Well this is gonna sound really stupid" Eiichi started as he turned around to face you all.

"But every full moon Van transforms" he started as he looked to his brother with unsure eyes.

"Transforms?" Syo asked, looking like a big question mark.

"Yes transforms" Eiji stated as he took over.

"You see when Van is exposed to the light of the full moon he transforms into a giant cockatoo, or a Wakahaka as we call it" Eiji explained, watching as you eyes widened in amusement and shock.

"A Wakahaka?" Reiji asked, stifling a laugh.

"Yes" Kira cut in with his soft voice, sounding despairing.

"What in the world is that and how is that possible?" Ranmaru asked voice full of disbelief.

"We chose the name it Wakahaka because it sounds funny and we don't know what has caused this, but our theory is that he was bitten by a radioactive cockatoo as a child, thus making him transform into a giant cockatoo every time he is exposed to a full moon" Kira explained as you stared bewildered at the man.

"We have tried to keep him away from the light of the full moon ever since we found out about it, but we have just been too busy for the past weeks that we completely forgot" Eiji stated as he looked worried to Yamato and Shion who shook their heads in apology.

"You see Van doesn't know anything about this whole Wakahaka thing, it's like they are two different beings in the same body" Yamato explained.

"The why haven't you told him so he could stay away from the moonlight himself?" Masato asked as he looked to the members of Heavens.

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