Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

As the escort, which I know as Persie, dragged Ivy and I into the Justice Building, Josh followed us. He stood near Persie. "Okay guys, in about a," she looked at her watch, "in about a couple of minutes the train will arrive, where you say your final goodbyes to your family and leave for the Capitol. Isn't that exciting?" she said, jumping up and down, causing her blue wig to move to the side. "Sir, President Hutcherson needs you to be present in the Capitol." a peacekeeper said. "Fine." Josh sighed and walked towards the door. He turned around and said, "Good luck" before walking out.

Once it was time to go, the peacekeepers escorted us to the rooms in which we will say goodbye to our loved ones. Once i get to my goodbye room all i can think about is one thing, my family. If i die in the arena who will suport and provide for them. I always have my other bestfriend chris, he has always been like a brother to me. He cares about my family,like if it was his own, but i have to ask him. Its almost time for my loved ones to get here i just have to remeber not to cry. Because if i cry i will look weak, and if i look weak, i'll be the first target.

I sat down on the couch, sighing occasionally. I heard the door creek. My mother and sister walked in. I looked up at them. "My baby!" my mom said with tears in her eyes. "Mom I'm gonna be alright." I said. "Be careful out there." As she said those words, I thanked God we were only girls. "You be careful. You have to try and help yourself. Don't just lay down on the bed while Mary starves." I said firmly. Mary stared at me without saying a word. The door opened again, revealing a peacekeeper dressed in white. "Time's up." he said. I got up and hugged my mom and Mary and waved goodbye to them.

When they left i stood there in silence, wondering if my mom would leave mary to starve to death. I had to have hope, cause hope is the only thing stronger than fear. The next person is one of my friends who lives in the richer part of town and her name is Ella. "Violet i dont have much time, but i want you to have this." she says while giving me a necklace with a medium sized silver owl pendent. "You can wear one thing from your district and i want you to wear this, please Violet will you wear this." "Yes i will wear it, thank you Ella." And with that she gave me a kiss on the cheak and left.

The next person to enter the room is no other than one of my best friends Chris. "Violet i know you and you can win this thing, you can make it out alive." he says while holding me. "Chris theres 24 girls in there and only one comes out alive." "Yeah and you know what, your gonna be the one coming out of there alive." hes says caressing my face in his hands. "But Chris i can't kill people. Exspecialy if Ivy is one of them." "Violet dont worry about Ivy, when you get in the arena you need to find spears." chris says this because me and him are really skilled with them and we know how to survive in the wild. "You can do this Violet." he says then does the unexpected. Chris kisses me, we hear the peacekeepers telling us his time is up. I feel him being pulled aways from me, our lips pull apart and i see him being draged out by the peacekeepers. They are about to close the door when Chris says, "Violet i lo..." then the door closes and im confused, scared and alone.

The Hutcherson Games(On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें