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Many days have passed since L's revelation to Light and both boys are considering their next move.

{L's point of view }

I wonder how Light is coping after meeting his opponent.  There's no doubt he'll know the name I gave him was a fake, I bet that frustrates him. Still,  I've made no new evidence for my theory...I'll have to get to know him even better.

*L begins to research Light Yagami on his database*

Ah, so you were a tennis champion  at school last year... This could be interesting... I'm sure I have his phone number lying around here   somewhere from my last inspection of the Yagami household... aha here it is!

"Light? It's L. I feel I didn't get to know you well enough the first time we met properly... what would you say if I invited you to play a game of tennis tomorrow? Great I'll meet you there!  Okay see you."

That went better than I'd expected...

Light and L meet eachother at the front of college and escort eachother to the tennis courts in the back.

"Thank you for coming Light, I look forward to getting to know you through this friendly game of tennis"

"Haha, no problems! I just hope you realised how good I am before you invited me to play!"

"Oh don't you worry about that, i'm quite the player myself. I was a champion back when I lived in England..."

I have no doubt that will get him asking questions. I take the first serve and play it hard enough to ensure Light misses.The shock on his face was priceless...

"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you were quite the player!"

We converse throughout the entirity of the game in a ping-pong fashion; relaying our halves of the conversations with each return of the ball. It didn't take long for a crowd to accumulate around us, and after 10 minutes we even acquired an empire! I could see Light's mind working behind his focused eyes, he knows this is more than just a friendly game. I know that Kira is competitive and likes to win, but so do most people; I enjoy watching him decide whether to play for the win and risk raising suspicion.

As he plays the ball back to my court it becomes obvious that he has no intention of losing - He goes for the win and succeeds. As the ball bounces just out of my reach, the empire cries "Light Yagami-Winner" and the crowd burst into a sea of cheers and applause. Well, Light Yagami... I suspect there to be a 5% chance that you're Kira.

"Impressed? I warned you I was good"

"Yes... You played well...Now let's go get icecream."

I escorted Light to a nearby Ice Cream Parlour, and despite Light's persistant refusal, ordered us both the largest Sundae on the menu. It didn't take long to get a conversation growing as we both began discussing the Kira case. I had to be careful to release specific information and not to leak anything that would leade to more deaths of criminals. As I got to know Light Yagami, my suspicion of him being Kira fluctuated. At times he seemed like an overly intelligent school-boy who's working hard to make it somewhere in life... at other times I was almost certain I was looking straight into the eyes of a merciless mass homicidal maniac. On several occasions the personality of Kira, shone through Light in blinding rays-But how could this seemingly sweet and innocent young man murder countless numbers of human beings? Theres only one way I can think to futher my investigation into Light Yagami whilst keeping a close eye on him... I'll have to invite him to join the Kira investigation.

*Light's phone rings, he answers it to discover his father, Soichiro Yagami, has suffered froma heart attack. L assumes this is the doing of Kira, but if that's so, why is he still alive? and why does Light seem just as suprised as he is?*

"I'll call Watari and order him to send us transport to the hospital imediately, i'm sure your father will be fine!" I follow through with my suggestion and within minutes a prestige vehicle was waiting outside for us. I decided during our journey there that I would ask Light to join the team in front of hi father so that I may ask his permission and thoughts on the idea also. Upon arival it became clear the Chief Director Soichiro Yagami had suffered a heart attack due to the stress of working on the investgation non stop. This gives me even more of a reason to ask Light on to the team; to step in for his father while he is absent. I sat, or rather crouched, on the chair to the left hand side of Light, allowing him some time with his father. His eyes were filled with so much worry and care that it made it almost impossible for me to believe he was Kira, in fact it made me feel as though I could get even closer to Light without it being for the good of the investigation. I want to be Light Yahagami's friend.

"Mr.Yagami, I understand this is a big ask, but I believe Light would make an excellent addition to our Kira investigation team. I would like to invite him to join us, if that's okay with you?"

"Absolutely not!" Soichiro protested.

"I understand."

"No Ryuga, I want to help. Kira can't keep winning and killing people when he sees fit to do so. Dad, please, I have to do this!"

I watched as Light stared into his father's eyes, it was as if they were conveying secret messages back and forth that I could not decipher. The exchanged looks could only be read by a  father and his son.

"Okay, you can join the team. But I want him protected at all costs Ryuzaki!"

{Light's point of view}

'Ryuzaki'? How many aliases does this guy have?! I suppose a detective with such notority must take all precautions... Anyway that doesn't matter right now, what does matter is that I've managed to work my way onto their team, that means I can gain their trust and continue to kill without being suspected. I'll manage to work closely with L, i'll befriend him, i'll make him want to tell me his real name! Then... I'll have won...and I will continue to be justice in my new world!

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