Clones Make Everything Better (canon)

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3rd PoV
Ahsoka had taken a group of younglings, with the help of a few specially selected clones from the 501st consisting of, Del, Boro, Hardcase, Dogma, Oz and Joc, for the gathering ceremony when she heard a loud bang on her ship.
"Katooni? Please tell me no one blew something up?" Ahsoka shouts from the pilot seat as she turns the vessel onto autopilot and walks down to the common room where she heard the noise. When she got their she saw something very peculiar, everyone was getting along with each other.
"Okay what's going on?" Ahsoka asks as she places her hands on her hips and tilts her head all the younglings, Katooni, Petro, Ganodi, Zatt, Byph and Gungi. As one they all turn to look at Ahsoka all innocence and pure but Ahsoka can sense the mischievous in the air. As Ahsoka's attention is turned towards the younglings a clone in blue painted armour, helmet off the colours and markings of the 501st is doing his best to sneak up on Ahsoka with his hands spread out ready to tackle her. As Hardcase snuck behind her the rest of the Clones were in the mess hall watching the interaction trying to not laugh and hiding their snickers behind their hands, Dogma however was watching with a rather disapproving glare being the only trooper their to have a very strict rule set in his head. Just before Hardcase dives to tackle Ahsoka she spins around and slams her outstretched leg into his side spinning him into the ships wall. As soon as Hardcase hits the wall their is an audible thunk when he hit the floor and the others all start cracking up into laughter, Dogma with a small smile on his face Oz and Joc leaning on each other trying not to fall on the floor and Del already on the floor dying of laughter.
"Uhhhh," Hardcase moans as he lifts himself off the floor rubbing his shoulder, "yeah, yeah laugh at my pain. Bet you wouldn't be smiling if it was you." Hardcase exclaims walking off to his quarters.
"Nah man we wouldn't be dumb enough to try and sneak up on a Jedi," Oz replies Joc laughing so hard he falls off his seat.
"Especially one that knows your presence," Boro shouts earning another round of hearty laughs from his brothers, excluding Dogma of course who already stopped smiling. As the ship landed on Ilum the troops walked slowly out and lined up three on a side as the younglings walked out towards Master Yoda waiting at the end of the ships platform.
"Welcome, to Ilum you are younglings," Yoda says in very old English talking back to front, "a sacred place protected by the Jedi and Republic," Yoda says motioning to the six troopers all surrounding the younglings back faced to them scanning the area for any sith or droids. As the troops surveyed the area Ahsoka and Yoda looked towards a huge wall of ice.
"Excuse me Master Yoda but where is the sacred crystal cave?" Petro asks from behind Ganodi and Katooni.
"Asked this question many have, young Petro." Yoda says before turning around and motioning to Ahsoka, as they both reach out a hand and slowly use the Force to open the entrance to the cave. As the younglings stare and watch the cave open Del whispers to Joc who is standing next to him.
"You reckon they'll believe us if we say the entrance is behind a massive wall?" Del says earning a snicker from Joc when suddenly he hears a snap like a twig breaking.
"General Yoda, Commander Tano their may be another presence hear." Del says as all the troopers surrounding the younglings bring their rifles up to wedge them in to the crooks of their shoulder and neck sweeping through the plain white capped snowy area.
"At ease sergeant Del, no other presence their is here only peace and calm." Yoda commands the trooper as they all ease up on their rifles placing them back onto their back holsters. After another couple hours the younglings had found their kyber crystals and returned to the ship. While flying on their way back to Coruscant the younglings are trying to make their lightsaber. As they are doing this Ahsoka is telling the younglings to focus your mind and clear all other thoughts other than what your lightsaber should look like. Just as Katooni is about to make her lightsaber the ship rocks to the side and shakes just before rocking to the other side and then laying still.
"Hardcase, Oz get to the bridge figure out what's going on, Joc I want you to stay here with the younglings,the rest of you come with me to the ramp." Ahsoka orders now going from teacher to Commander in a second and unclipping her lightsabers from her belt and holding them but not activating them. As Oz and Hardcase see the pirate ship in the viewport from the bridge they run back down to Ahsoka to report.
"Commander Tano pirates are firing and have already destroyed our hyperdrive and main thrusters." Oz reports as he pulls his rifle off his back and lining up by Dogma aiming at the boarding ramp ready to rain hell to any pirate dumb enough to step into the ship. As the younglings and Joc stay ready in case they need to retreat back to the training room, Ahsoka and the others are preparing to engage the pirates.
"Hardcase I want that minigun on stun that includes everyone else." Ahsoka orders not actually wanting to have to kill the pirates without figuring out what they are doing attacking a Republic unarmed vessel. As soon as the door was starting to be hacked away at from the outside the troops all started aiming rifles at their shoulder eyes aiming down the iron sights, Boro was closest to the door ready to shoot any one coming through, Dogma and Oz further back rifles at the ready, Del was next to Commander Tano being the highest ranking trooper their and Hardcase was in front of them by a few steps minigun hanging from his hands near his waist ready to open up and stun anyone stuck in the onslaught of stunning rounds. As soon as the door opened Dogma and Oz opened fire while Hardcase charged up his minigun and Boro rolled a couple stun grenades from his pouch into the hallway of the enemies ship. After a good two or three minutes of firing the troops stopped and waited for the area to clear to see if they hit anyone when a red blaster bolt came flying through the doorway hitting Boro in the chest luckily the pirates weren't trying to kill and it hit the poor guy stunning him and knocking him unconscious before he hit the floor. After witnessing their brother going down Dogma and Oz crouched and hid behind cover stunning rounds coming through the door as Hardcase and Del returned fire Ahsoka blocking shots at her with her lightsaber and shoto. Joc could here the sound of battle from the training room and so could the younglings.
"Trooper what's happening?" Ganodi asks her small voice penetrating through the sounds of gun fire.
"I can't tell kid, sounds like a stand off." Joc replies eyes still focused on the door way his rifle shoulder but not aimed at the door in case it's a friendly who walks through and not an enemy.
"Cool," Petro suddenly says, "Commander Tano and Tenth squad versus hijackers and pirates." Petro's sudden outburst of joy and cockiness brings forth the unison groan of the collective group, excluding Joc who is trained enough to not be deterred by childish banter and teasing. As Joc heard the continuing sound of gun fire it suddenly stopped. Growing alarmed Joc lifted his rifle towards the door and started commanding the younglings.
"Alright you know the drill in the maintenance shaft until further notice," Joc said in a soft tone not like a voice he would use on the battlefield, "if you hear shooting out here you start crawling to the bridge if there is no shooting after a few minutes then come out, understood?" Joc asked at the end of his explanatory command the group said a collective 'yes sir' to mock him and climbed in. As the door slowly opened to reveal a grim looking Ahsoka hands over her head in a sign of surrender and behind came the rest of his brothers all either knocked unconscious and being dragged or in surrender. As Joc saw this he realised that the ship had been successfully captured by the pirates and placed his rifle down and lifted up his hands.
"I Surrender." Joc says loud and clear so that the younglings would hear and start their way to the ships bridge. As the clones were moved into the training room and all weapons stripped, including their belts, they locked the doors and started ransacking the ship for anything valuable. While this happened Petro, Katooni and Zatt had made it to the bridge while, Byph and Gungi went to warn the droid that had given them their lightsaber parts and R2-D2.
"We need to find a communicator,"........

(There is a part 2)

Star Wars: Clone Wars One shots, AU's and Moreحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن