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It turned out soon actually meant days. Red leader hadn't been back for days. Edd thought about it and realized nobody had entered the room since red leader left.

Edd was getting really sore and uncomfortable in the chair. His throat was still in horrific condition and he was sure his stomach was eating itself in a effort to keep him alive. At this point Edd hoped red leader would come back.

Maybe then he could get some food and use the bathroom. Not to mention some human interaction. Edd usually wasn't a big people person but not having any contact with another living thing was really starting to get to him.

The only thing he really could do was sleep and wait. Luckily for him sleep came sooner than expected.

Edd jolted awake to a sharp pain in his stomach. He coughed, blood splattered on his hoodie. Looking away from the blood he noticed who hit him. It was red leader. He had punched him.

"You're so weak! A punch to the stomach and blood already comes pouring out! I wonder what else I can do to make blood gush out." Red leader shook his head and circled around Edd.

Edd couldn't help but try and watch red leader while he did this. "Weak, pathetic useless! How the hell did anyone even stand you?" Tears pinpricked Edds eyes. He didn't even know why it hurt for red leader to call him names. He didn't even. know the guy or anything.

Perhaps on some level he wanted red leaders approval. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Edd shook his head and cried harder. "im sorry! ple-please let me go!" Red leader scuffed and smacked Edd across the face.

Edd squealed and his breathing hitched. "Fucking idiot!" Edd felt more tears run down his face. "ikke gråt min kjærlighet. You just have to be good ok? It's not hard." Edd didn't really comprehend what red leader was saying.

He was too busy crying. Red leader sighed angrily and pulled out a knife from his belt. He tightly gripped onto Edds hair forcing his head back leaving Edds neck completely exposed. Red leader pressed the blade against a small section of Edds neck.

"God damnit! Stop crying you stupid fat fucker!" Edd couldn't help but to cry even harder. "don't! please don't!" Red leader simply shook his head and dug the knife in Edds soft squishy flesh. Edd screamed out in pain and struggled against his restraints.

"Its what you deserve!" Red leader continued cutting into Edds neck until he had cut off a decent sized chunk. Red leader put the knife back and held the piece of flesh in front of Edds face. Edds breathing was ragged and clearly was in shock. Red leader watched as Edd took in panicked breaths.

Not to long after that Edd slumped forward his head was hanging limply to the side. Red leader shook his head and frowned. "Pathetic." Red leader took out his walkie-talkie.

"Pat get in here with a med-kit and do it quickly. I don't wanna my pet dying so soon." Red leader didn't wait for an answer and left the room leaving Edd all alone again.

Translation: ikke gråt min kjærlighet (Don't cry my love)

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