Chapter 2: Mortal Peril

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Red faced and embarrassed, Harry Potter walked briskly out of Ginny's room. In the living room, he stopped at the door as he saw George looking at the clock that indicated the status of each Weasley family member. It read:

Arthur – Work

Molly – Shopping

Charlie – Travelling

Bill – Work

Fred – Home

George – Home

Ron – Home

Ginny – Mortal Peril

George stared at Ginny's status with confusion, as he could swear that she seemed fine an hour ago. As soon as he had time to think it over, he rushed into action. Without seeing Harry, he rushed to the telephone to ring Mr. Weasley. Without wasting a second, Mr. Weasley appeared in the fireplace. George did not greet him however, as he ran up stairs to Fred and Ron's rooms, saying to each of them with a pale expression on his face, 'Guys, Ginny may be in danger.' Ron and Fred ran downstairs to greet a frazzled Mr. Weasley. 'Boys,' he said. 'What on Earth is going on?'

Harry stood just outside the living room as all this happened, trying to take everything in. It seemed the Weasleys had forgotten of his existence. He did not want to say anything, as he had promised Ginny he wouldn't and Harry was a boy of his word. As George went to get his brothers, Harry slipped out of the living room, and tip toed to Ginny's room. He peered through the keyhole and low and behold, Ginny was on her bed, crunched over and crying quietly to herself. She was in peril, but a different kind of peril than the Weasley boys could imagine. Harry gave a sigh of relief when he realized she wasn't in danger. He went back to the living room, conflicted and confused.

The four Weasley men were talking loudly, disagreeing and accusing. Harry stepped into the room and, before he could open his mouth to explain, there was a crash in the fireplace as Mrs. Weasley arrived carrying a brown paper bag. 'Molly!' Mr. Weasley cried out in relief. 'We are worried that Ginny is in danger. Look at the clock!' Mrs. Weasley dropped her bag and ran to the aforementioned  piece of china. Upon seeing Ginny's status, she immediately bolted to Ginny's room. The boys wondered why they didn't think of that in the first place instead squawking to each other like parrots. They followed Mrs. Weasley into Ginny's room, each wanting to take charge of the situation, but not daring to.

Ginny looked up with a start as her door swung open to see her mother looking at her with concern. She looked horrified as Mr. Weasley, Fred, George and Ron all crowded into her room, exclaiming their relief that she was alright. They surrounded her each trying to make their exclamations. Ron rushed to hug her and Mr. Weasley grabbed Ginny's hand. Fred simply said, 'Knew you'd be alright, you were always a feisty child, able to fight off any monster that may come your way!' 'Guys,' George called out over all the noise they were making. 'What actually happened here?'

Mrs. Weasley looked sympathetically towards Ginny, but that expression hardened when she looked up at the men of the house. 'All of you,' she cried. 'Out!' Her voice was so loud it would have woken a panda from its nap, and one by one the boys left the room, baffled.

Harry Potter had been standing about a metre away from the door, listening. As soon as he heard Mrs. Weasley tell them to leave, he bolted up the stairs into his and Ron's room. He was not going to be the one to break the news. As brave a boy as he was, he wasn't going to be the one to give the men a lesson on menstruation, either Mrs. Weasley would tell them or they would find out for themselves. The latter proved to be correct.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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