Chapter 1: The Discovery

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Ginny could not believe it. Harry Potter was at her house. Not only was he at her house, he was staying with them. The famous Harry Potter. Ginny was both excited and nervous. She had quite a crush on him and had been wanting to talk to him for ages. But, after the event, she could never look at him again. She was too mortified. That event had changed the way she communicated with Harry. She withdrew from him and became really shy.

The event happened when Harry first came to stay at the Weasley household, just before she started her first year at Hogwarts. She was very intimidated by him, but she refused to let that get in the way. She was going to speak to him. She just knew it. Their awkward first encounter where she ran away after he said hello only happened because he caught her off guard. She was sure she'd be ready next time. Next time.

Ginny was in the bathroom. She screamed. She saw something that shocked her poor young eleven year old mind. She had no idea what was going on. Her heart was racing. She thought she was dying. She could only stare at what she saw. Blood. She screamed and screamed until she heard a knocking at the door. 'Ginny,' said a familiar voice. 'Are you alright?' She shrank back, instantly recognizing the voice as the famous Harry Potter. 'Harry,' she called. 'Help me! I'm bleeding!' She began weeping and Harry didn't know what to do. 'What do you want me to do?' He asked, panicking. She called, 'Get Mum!' Harry did not waste a second. He ran to Mrs. Weasley and said, 'Please, Mrs. Weasley. Come with me. Ginny is bleeding!'

Mrs. Weasley felt an instant wave of panic. Her only daughter, bleeding? 'What happened?' She asked Harry in a forceful tone. 'Where is she?' 'She's in the bathroom,' Harry replied. Relief rushed over Mrs. Weasley. 'Thank you Harry,' she said sweetly. I can manage from here. Mrs. Weasley rushed to the bathroom and left Harry dumbstruck. What had happened? Why was Mrs. Weasley so calm? He decided to follow her when she went to see Ginny. He was a compassionate yet curious boy, and hated to see others hurt. He wanted to know what was wrong.

Mrs. Weasley walked briskly to the bathroom, knocked, called to Ginny and she was greeted with, 'Mum! Help me! I'm bleeding!' Mrs. Weasley said softly, 'Ginny darling, don't be so upset. Let me in and I'll explain everything.' The door opened and Mrs. Weasley was let inside. Harry heard no more out of the two witches. He still stood, waiting. Harry jumped as the door opened. 'Harry,' Mrs. Weasley called, holding a towel. Harry had not realised she had seen him. 'Take this towel to the kitchen, fill it with hot water, ring it out and give it to me please,' she said. Harry did as he was told.

When he returned with the warm towel, Ginny was in bed with a tired Mrs. Weasley sat beside her. He handed the towel to her, which she took and placed on Ginny's stomach. Harry asked, 'Is she alright Mrs. Weasley?' Mrs. Weasley nodded and said, 'Thank you so much dear. Ginny will be alright. She just got her first period,' Ginny turned sharply towards her mother, furious and embarrassed, but said nothing. She just lay there in the bed with the wet towel over her stomach. 'Is there anything else I can do?' Harry asked. 'No dear,' Mrs. Weasley replied. 'You've done enough, thank you.' Harry turned to leave. 'Wait Harry,' Ginny said. 'Don't tell Ron or Fred or George please, will you?' She stammered. Harry nodded his head and left the room.

'Mother!' Harry heard Ginny cry as he walked away. 'Did you really have to tell him?!' 'Come on dear,' Mrs. Weasley tried to soothe her. 'It is nothing to be embarrassed about.' Harry hurried off before he could hear any more. He knew he had embarrassed her enough.

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