Please, just go | Dialogue Prompt #1

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"Hi, Embry!", I greeted my friend as I sat next to him at the latest pack bonfire. It was nice being close to a warm fire on a crisp fall night.

"Hey, Y/N!", he cheerfully responded back. "How are you?", he asked jovially. The trees swayed in the wind, and a few errant crunchy leaves blew by.

"Pretty good, a little stressed as always, but otherwise good. You?", I responded. The pack had been dealing with an increase of vampires in the area, and it had meant that my imprint, Paul, had been spending a lot of time working. Consequently, I spent more time worrying that he was currently battling a vampire. 

"I'm good. Don't worry about Paul, Y/N. We're built for this, we can handle it", he reassured. Though Embry wasn't my imprint, we had a very close friendship. Other than Paul, he was the wolf that I got along the best with.

I nodded as I slightly shivered in the wind. Of course, Embry with his wolf-senses could see even the smallest of shivers.

"Are you cold?", he asked, with a hint of sass in his voice. All of the boys loved reminding us that they never got cold.

"I'm a little chilly, but I should be fine", I replied. Paul would be back from patrol any minute, and sometimes he got a little overprotective.

Embry shot me a look, telling me that he knew my cover was bullshit.

"He's going to be just as angry at me if I let you die of hypothermia", Embry reasoned, before placing his arm around my shoulders platonically. I was definitely glad to have the warmth.

Embry and I sat together like that catching up for a while longer. Since Paul had been gone so often, I had spent most of my spare time with him when he was available and hadn't seen Embry in a couple weeks. Embry was telling me a story about watching Quil imprint on Claire.

"So, I'm standing there like 'What the hell just happened?', and then Quil announces that he's imprinted on Claire.", Embry said as I went into a fit of giggles.

"And remember - this is the first time that someone had imprinted on a baby, so we weren't expecting it or accustomed to what it meant, so for a couple moments we were like 'How is Quil, of all people, this depraved?'", Embry continued. At this point, I was laughing so hard that I was losing my ability to hold myself upright.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON?", a familiar voice boomed as my laughter ended abruptly. Embry quickly pulled his arm from where it was sitting on my shoulder. I turned around in my seat on the log that I was sitting on.

"Nothing, Paul. Embry is telling me the story of when Quil imprinted on Claire", I said calmly.

Paul looked displeased with my answer to his question but didn't respond. He walked over to where I was sitting and took the seat directly next to me, with Embry on my other side.

"She got cold Paul. I was just making sure that she didn't freeze", Embry tried to sooth Paul with reason.

Paul made a face but didn't respond. He simply placed his arm around my waist. As much as I was frustrated with his behavior, the contact felt wonderful. I leaned slightly into his embrace.

"How was your day?", I whispered to Paul as Embry began to talk to Seth.

"Fine", Paul answered. He answered every question that I asked before Billy started talking with one-word phrases. I could tell that we were not past what had happened earlier.

We sat physically close to each other as Billy told the legends of the tribe. At one point, Paul even pulled me further into his embrace because I had started shivering again. But, emotionally, we were farther apart that we had been for quite some time.

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