Chapter 1-|future use|

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I signed the last letter and slipped it into the envelope and wrote Dane Schnake on the back.

I grabbed all of the letters and put them into the drawer of my desk, and left them there.

I'm saving them for future use, when the time is right.

"Johnny, come down here. It's time for school!" Lauren yelled from our kitchen.

"I'm coming." I grabbed my backpack and skipped every other step and met her at the door.

"Bye mom and dad! I love you." She yelled, no response.

They're up there, just ignoring us. Worrying about the crap with Darian and Maddie.

They've basically given up on Lauren and I. They couldn't care less about what we do.

They quit there jobs and now they live up there. So now I mow lawns, buy food, and cook.

I'm the new mom and dad for Laur.

"They're not gonna respond, let's go. We're gonna be late." I say opening the door. She frowns and we both walk out the door and stride slowly to school.

"So..." she begins.


"When are you and Ashlyn going to announce your undying love for one another?"

"What! Never!"


"I love Ashlyn, but I don't love her like that. She's my bestfriend, I couldn't live without her." I smile.

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes and giggles.

"How is it being the youngest in your grade?"

"Fine I guess." She gets quiet.

I shrug it off as we approach the school. We walk in together and she leaves me and goes to her friends.

I get to my locker and grab my History text book. I grab it two periods before, because I don't have enough time in between to go.

I hear someone walk up behind me, "Danny Zuko in his pride and glory."

"And Sandy Dumbrowski at her finest." I smile. She chuckles.

"So, how are you?" She says as I close my locker. We begin walking side by side to class.

"Pretty good. You?"

"Tired and wishing school wasn't a thing." She sighs.

"Join the club, I've been here a while." We laugh and Weston comes up and tazes Ashlyn.

She drops her books and gets annoyed for a second, then realized it's her boyfriend.

We both help her and we all stand up.

"Hey Johnny." He smiles, connecting his fingers into Ashlyn's.

"You guys make me feel single."

"Don't worry Johnny, you and-" I cover her mouth, causing us to stop.

"Me and you know who."

"I was gonna say that." She looks at Weston, "No I wasn't."

He smiles, "Well, I'll see you guys in history." He pecks his girlfriend and we both turn into our Algebra Two Class.

She sits next to Kiera and I plop down behind her. I always sit behind her, since middle school.

We all join our heads in the middle.

"So, Kiera. Have you asked him out yet?" I begin.

"You're such a girl Johnny." Ashlyn rolls her eyes, "No, but have you!"

Letters| mfz&jvo | COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें