Never Was.....Never Will Be.....

Start from the beginning

"Okay" I cleared my throat "I've been compelled to forget something by an original and I want you to remove it" The amusement left her face as I asked her, it wasn't going to be something that going to endanger her if anyone gonna feel any pain it going to be me.

"An original?" She spoke a little stunned while getting up from her seat "Damon I don't know" I got up and stood in front of her I needed her to do this I needed for her to make me remember what happen in New York.

"I need this done Catalin. I wouldn't ask if-" Catalin looked at me for a long moment before cutting me off.

"Your being deadly serious you really want me to do this?" I nodded my of course I was serious I just broke the heart of the woman I'm in love with. I need to know what that dick Klaus made me forget and I don't think it's just about this Thea girl either "Okay. Let me get my brother to pick up Carmelita then we will get started" I knew that Catalin wouldn't refuse me even the amount of times I had been a dick to her she was still able to be there as a friend. Why didn't I appreciate her friendship before? Oh yeah back then it was all about myself... about that bitch Katherine. Yeah I was a totally deluded dick!

Catalin brother came to pick up the little girl it appeared that it was his daughter. You know all the years I've known Catalin that was the first time I have ever met any family member of hers. I didn't even now she had any. Damn I'm a terrible friend! Once they were gone she took me in to a room which was filled with all her witchy stuff she had collected along the years. Catalin stunningly beautiful and smart too but she had an issue with hording stuff.

"Right. Sit" I did as she asked and sat in the chair she directed me to sit in "Damon. This is going to be painful. You sure you wanted to do this?" Catalin spoke with concern I knew this wasn't gonna be like a fairground ride but I knew it had to be done.

"I need to know Catalin. Just do it" I closed my eyes and I felt her place her fingers on the side of my head. Within moment I felt sharp pain go through my head. I yelled in pain as it was far worse than having one of those witchy migraines. But I had to endure it I needed to know why the hell Klaus compelled me to forget even seeing him in New York. Why the hell would he do that and I needed to know why. Catalin continued it felt like I was burning up that every part of me was burning up to 230 degrees my head felt like it was going to pop right off my head.

Flash back

There he was in front of me. Klaus the immortal dick he had me against my car and I could see he had me under his compulsion "The Whitmore you are after well you will find them in Athens Ohio. Now why don't you take a long drive?" That how I knew where they were? That freaking asshole!! "You're going to get into that car keep driving forgetting your time in New York. You only stopped in New York for a bite to eat. Forgetting about the De Vere family and that brut Lucas. Forgetting the poor girl Thea that you killed" So it was true everything that dick Lucas told me that I had killed this Thea girl "Forgetting ever laying eyes on Siena Russo. You will wait around for your dear sweet Katherine as you have been for the last 142 year. Waiting for the day to free her from then tomb under Fells Church" What the hell! Every part of me want to punch him in the face but instead I got in the car and drove off. The only thing that I cared about is finding the Whitmores and waiting to free Katherine from the tomb under Fells Church and be together like I've dreamt for the last 142 year.

"Damon....." I heard Catalin say with worry I opened my eyes and looked at her she had the fear in her eyes "Damon I'm not going to continue to do that to you anymore" She backed away from me "No that compulsion far too strong and can't see you in that pain please Damon" I knew that Catalin didn't like this one bit. But I couldn't be more grateful right now for what she did to me. I had seen Siena back then and I fell in love with her that all those emotions I had for Katherine just disappeared from the moment I laid eyes on her. Everything was flooding back to me like whirl wind "Damon your worrying me" Catalin broke me out of my thoughts. I got up grabbed her face and planted a kiss on her lips. I wasn't one of those passionate kisses but right now I loved Catalin for making everything clear to me right now.

'Your Love Consume Me Part 2' A Damon Salvatore Love Story. Part Of 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now