Chapter 12(Day 4:The wedding Part 2)

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Nadakhan teleports to the deck of the ship and went up to Dogshanks, Flintlocke, and Ronin who were mopping the floors. "Mates, I had to tell you something very important" Nadakhan said. "What's so important that you have to tell us in this type of time?" Ronin said. "Look, I saw visions yesterday and today and looks like the princess is in danger" Nadakhan said and Dogshanks and Flintlocke laughed. "You got to be joking, Nada, the princess is with her true love and she's getting married today" Dogshanks said. "This is not a joke, Dogs, Prince Cole is planning something very bad with his father, and his plan is going to have the princess to be part of it. We can't let him marry her or else the Crystal Necklace will go on her and everytime she touch someone, they will turn to crystals and their souls go to the soul realm, leaving the princess alone with a ruthless prince and his stupid dad" Nadakhan explained and Flintlocke and the others were shocked. "Look, Nada, we all regret of finding Nya for the captain, I'm not sure if we ever forgive her" Flintlocke said. "But I forgive her ever since she remember the memory of how she and the captain met at a young age, we had to make sure the captain will remember that memory too" Nadakhan said. "She remembers that memory? But what makes her remember that memory?" Dogshanks said. "A necklace that the captain gave her a long time ago, I bet when she put it on, she started to see a flashback of her and Jay, and she also say something" Nadakhan said. "What did she say, Nada?" Dogshanks said. "She said that she hopes the captain and us forgives her of what she had done and I also heard her saying that she loves the captain more than the prince" Nadakhan said which surprises the rest of the pirates and they all cheered. "I guess we all forgive her but will the captain forgives the princess?" Dogshanks said. "I don't know, the Captain's in a very bad mood, I'm not sure he's going to forgive the princess" Flintlocke said. "Unless we all end up let him remember the memory that's very important to him,the day he actually met the princess at a young age" Nadakhan said to himself as he saw seagulls flying past them. "Ronin,do you know where is the captain?" Nadakhan said. "In the cabin, Nada, but why?" Ronin said. "There's something I need to do with the captain" Nadakhan said as he teleports to the Captain's room.

Nadakhan saw the daisy in a vase and he picked it up and teleports him to the cabin.

Nadakhan appeared in the cabin and saw Jay looked stressed out. "Okay, I'm hoping if we go by Countryside City to steal the chain of gold or silver depends on the color" Jay said and groaned. "This is stupid, if my adoptive father is alive, he would had said-" "'Don't let your anger take over your heart'" Jay looked up and smiled at Nadakhan. "Yeah, that's what about I say, Nada, sorry you had to hear my stress, I'm just trying to be like him" Jay said referring his adoptive father. "I know, Captain, you don't had to be like him" "But Nada, don't you hear what the princess said 'she loves Cole's! I regret of being nice to her and liking her! I'm trying to be like Ed Walker!" Jay said pointing at a portrait of Ed Walker.

"Jay, the princess doesn't love Cole anymore, she loves someone else" Nadakhan said in a calm tone. "Yeah, I bet it's someone more amazing and cool" Jay said. "Captain, that someone Nya loves is you" Nadakhan said. "But today is her wedding, she's marrying Cole and I had to fulfill my adoptive father's footsteps, he never experienced love as he grow up" Jay said as Nadakhan placed the vase of the daisy on the wooden table. "You're wrong about your adoptive father, he has experienced love as he grow up just like you" Nadakhan said. "Nada, can you tell me how my adoptive father experienced love as he grow up?" Jay said. "Of course, captain, anything for you" Nadakhan punched his hand changing the entire cabin into a old dusty room full of cobwebs and books.

"Where are we,Nada?" Jay said. "Jay, I had brought you to a long time ago before your parents adopted you. You get to see how Ed experienced love as he grows up" Nadakhan explained the brunette and someone opened the door. "Oh, where's that book?" The person said revealing to be Ed as he picked up a lot of books and put it on the dusty table and looked through pages of each books. "It's supposed to be in here!" Ed yelled. "What kind of book Ed is looking for, Nada?" Jay asked the djinn. "He's looking for the Tips of Sailing Dangerous Waves" Jay saw a book in front of him and picked it up. "Is it this book, Nada?" Jay said picking up a dark brown book in the air and Nadakhan nodded. "Ed can't see you and me since I had chant a spell to bring you back time to see how he experienced love so you can realize that a captain can experienced love as well" Nadakhan said and Jay looked at Ed and he put the book next to Ed and Ed turned around and smiled. "Perfect, now I had to go back to the village" Ed said as he leave the dusty room. Jay curiously walked up to the door and he opened it. "I guess you had to go alone to see, Jay" Nadakhan said. "Where are you going, Nada?" Jay asked the djinn. "I'll be looking at artifacts at the old museum" Nadakhan said. "Oh, okay, see you later" Jay closed the door and he walked through the fields to the village to follow Ed.

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