where you have your first date

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bill being bill, he took you downtown to see a film. he didn't really want to talk that much, considering how embarrassed he was of his stutter. during the movie, he did the typical yawn-and-put-an-arm-around-you move. bill was of course respectful the whole time and didn't force you to do anything.

richie took you to the arcade. you didn't mind it, games were always fun to play. when you guys were there, he got really pissed because you kept beating him at street fighter. you then apologized with a kiss on his cheek, and he was no longer upset.

eddie took you out to the park and had a picnic. he had everything planned perfectly, which made your heart flutter. you two ate, talked, and made lots of jokes. while you guys were eating and sitting next to each other, you both turned your heads and accidentally kissed. eddie was in shock at first, but then kissed you again.

during the night, you snuck out with mike and went to look at the stars for your first date. he spread out a soft blanket when you got to a field. you both lied down, just gazing at the stars and enjoying each other's company. it was very sweet.

stan took you out for pizza as your first date. he came to your house on his bike and waved you outside. you smiled, got on your bike, and you both drove to the pizza parlor. you two sat and ate while chatting up a storm. sometimes you were so loud, the waitress would ask you to calm down.

ben took you to the lake. he knew you loved to swim, so he decided it would be the best place to go. you two swam around, splashing each other and goofing off. it was a lot of fun for the two of you.

since beverly's dad was so terrible, she came over to your house one day for your first date. you played board games, ate food, and made lots of jokes. it was a lot of fun for the both of you, considering you got to know each other ten times better.

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