Chapter 3. Cracks

Start from the beginning

"Lila!" Roman shouted, and I had a split second to look up, seeing Sheamus flipping over.

Blinking I was gonna back up but before I could move there was an hand on my arm, yanking me to the right just in time. Sheamus hit the floor hard where I had just stood as I ended up on the floor on the outside of the ring, landing on top of a hard chest. My eyes flew open and I was face to face with those icy blue eyes, except they were cold and distant like they had been the last few days. These ones were wide and filled with relief, for all of two seconds before I watched them freeze over. Getting up Dean jumped to his feet and we looked back at the ring, watching Roman, the legal on in the match, finally get the pin on Ryback. I had no idea how we pulled that off, but we did, our team so uncoordinated in our efforts we were practically a mess. As our music rang out we walked out of the ring and over the barrier, Dean going first, nearly running up the steps. Following him we were uncharacteristically silent as we walked through the halls to the locker room, Seth shutting the door behind us as we piled in the room.

"Are you alright?" Roman asked, his phone in his hand as he texted, looking up after he finished.

"I'm fine. I just wasn't paying attention for a second there." I admitted, sitting on the bench across from everyone.

"I told you..." Dean began but I shook my head, raising up a hand at him.

"Don't start." I snapped, watching him almost violently rip the tape from his hands, "It's not just me that's unfocused, it's all of us."

"Oh really?" Dean's head snapped back up, "That's why you almost got crushed by 200 pounds of Irish douchebag."

"I said all of us Dean." I sighed, raking my fingers through my hair and looking at all of them, "You almost lost the match. None of you were on the same page tonight in that ring and you know it. We're falling apart."

There was silence from all three of them, my words sinking in. Seth was standing, arms crossed over his chest and he was looking at his boots as though they were the most fascinating thing in the world. Roman had his phone in his hands, holding it between his legs and holding my gaze. Dean was holding the ball of tape in his hands, legs shaking and I knew they were thinking about it.

"You're right." Roman announced, his voice soft but echoing around the whole room, "I wasn't here tonight, and you're right. You lost your match too Lila and we almost lost ours tonight. We scraped by, barely."

"We were fine." Seth argued weakly, and I could hear the doubt in his voice.

"Seth come on." I tilted my head a bit, "We're all off our game."

"Speak for yourself." Dean grumbled, catching my attention.

"I am Dean, but we need to get our shit together." I stood up, taking off my vest and setting it on the bench, "If we don't we're gonna not survive this year. And I don't want that for us."

"Who died and made you the leader of SHIELD?" Dean growled, throwing his vest in the bag, pulling out his jacket.

"Nobody Dean but if one of you isn't gonna call us out on this then we're never gonna fix it." I pointed, my hands on my hips, "I'm not the leader here, nobody is, but I'm part of this team and I love this team and I don't wanna see us fail. Seth and Roman don't either."

"Right." Roman nodded, and I turned to Seth.

Just as we all turned his phone went off in his pocket. Raising an eyebrow I watched him pull it out of his pocket, face going serious. Holding it back by his side he looked at each of us.

"Give me two minutes, I gotta take this." He said quickly, moving to the door and slipping outside.

"Seriously Seth." I muttered, pulling my hair up and into a bun, away from my face.

Seth had walked out in the middle of our team meeting, and Roman was back on his phone, texting away. Dean was looking around at us too and we made eye contact briefly before he zipped up his backpack.

"I would say this was a great talk but it really wasn't." Dean murmured, heading towards the door.

"Dean..." I called out, not slowing down as he opened the door, "Dean!"

He ignored me as he opened the door and walked out, the door rattling in the frame. Turning back to Roman I stuffed everything into my bag, seeing him look at up me with a guilty look on his face.

"I don't know what has you so preoccupied Roman and I'm not gonna pry." I began, throwing my jacket on and my bag over my shoulder, "But I could really use your help. There are cracks starting in this team, just remember that you're part of it too."

Not waiting for a response I walked out, seeing Seth on the phone a few feet away and I turned the other way, seeing Dean walking quickly down the hall. Shaking my head I turned and started after Dean, hopefully having enough time to have a few words to ourselves.

Truth Comes Out (A WWE Fanfic) Book 3 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now