Chapter 4

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I went to go talk to Noah. What was he going to say. We went into a corner of a living room where no one bother to go to. "So uh, Jenny..." He seemed very nervous, twiddling his fingers and looking around.


"I... I can't do this I'm sorry" He tried to walk away, but grabbed his armed before he could. We both looked into each other's eyes. I looked into his.. beautiful sparkling eyes. I mean, I can't be thinking like this.

"Noah, you can tell me whatever. I won't judge don't worry." I slid a small smile out.

"Um, well Jenny" I stood there wide eyed and listening. Noah was probably one of my closest friends. One of my best boy friend (boy friend as in friend that is boy). "I think I love you."

My heart sank almost like the titanic, except I actually lived. I didn't know what to say nor do. Everything felt blurry at that exact moment. "Oh" was the only word that could come at of my mouth.

"I knew this would be awkward. I should go now." He walked away and I stood there in shock. I can't just let him go but then again bringing him back would be awkward.

I mean.. Do I like Noah? Can I move on from Preston? Preston... He was with Rob so he wouldn't care if I dated Noah right? All these questions floated in my mind but I tried to focus more on partying.

I looked to my right for a second to see Lachlan and Molly fighting. I probably missed a lot at the party. Molly and Lachlan are a couple they shouldn't be fighting. I walked over to the whole crowd that was crowding Lachlan and Molly. I listened in.

"LACHLAN WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Molly yelled at the top of her lungs.

"What did I do?" Lachlan responded confused. Then I remembered he had been drinking... He probably did something stupid. He seemed sober now though.

"YOU KISSED ASHLEY!" ... Silence filled the room everyone was staring at Lachlan, and then Ashley.

"#CraftBattleMariee?" Ashley said trying to make a joke. No one laughed. Molly was crying, I actually felt bad for Molly. Lachlan sat there in confusion.

"Look babe, I'm sorry okay. I think I was really drunk. I didn't mean to kiss Ashley. I don't even like Ashley." Lachlan said very sincerely.

"You what?" Ashley said in shock,"I thought we could take this to the next level. You could dump Molly for me and we could live happily ever after."

"You mean you actually had feelings for me?" Lachlan asked,"Ashley I'm sorry but I only like you as a friend. Molly's the one I really love"

"Oh really?" Ashley said, you could see the jealousy in her eyes

"Ashley just please let me and Lachlan be please." Molly said begging.

"Oh fine I'll leave you two alone." But she didn't leave, she turned to Lachlan and planted a kiss on his lips; lachlan kissed back. And Molly stood there then after Ashley glanced at her she stormed out of the party crying.

I felt so bad. But really what can I do? I never really help out with anything. I probably hurt Noah's feelings tonight too. I didn't want to hurt molly. She was the closest friend I had.

Then Maya, Katia, and Jenny came up to me. "Hey Jenny! How'd things go with Noah? You joining our quadruple date... well now triple date because you know what just went down with molly" Katia said.

"Um, I rather not talk about it. But yeah, I'll go to the movies not with Noah though..."

"So you're going without a date? Come on Jenny! You can move on from Preston" Maya said very convincingly. Maybe I can move on from Preston...

"You guys don't even know what he told me. You can't just jump to conclusions that he likes me" They all gave me a look. Kinda like that look people give when they're like 'Oh Really?' "Fine, he does like me."

"Alright and what did you say? You can't turn down Noah. He's one of the nicest guys on the planet." Jenny stated.

"I didn't say anything. The awkwardness came over, I didn't know what to say. He just walked away. I think he actually left the party." I said. I felt so bad but then I actually really didn't know what to do.

"Oh well, then you go call Noah and tell him that you love him with all of your heart." Maya said."Then you won't have to be alone at the movies tomorrow night"

"Okay I will, hopefully he answers though.

"Tip: if a boy doesn't answer you, keep spamming text messages until he does answer" Katia said. We all laughed.

"Haha, I will thanks" I looked to my left to see Preston, not so far away, looking at me... Was he listening in on the conversation?


Maya told me I should write Chapter 4 so here it is. My fingers hurt now, WELP off to work on chapter 5


Votes and Feedback are much appreciated! 8D


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