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Important announcement at the end of the chapter, so please please please read!!

Ricardo's POV

My mind is a complete mess.

Ever since table read, when I found out I'll have to kiss Jade, I've been freaking out.

It's not that I don't wanna kiss her. She's beautiful, sweet, and everything. But she's my best friend. What if I start having feelings for her?! What if we start dating, but break up? But even if it doesn't happen, what if it gets way too awkward between us? I don't wanna risk losing my Jadey.

During rehearsals, the producers said we didn't have to kiss, only when shooting. That was kind of a relief during the week, but the day came and I couldn't even think straight.

I was at my trailer, since I arrived a bit early, thinking about all of this, when I heard footsteps outside. I looked out of my window and saw Jade entering her trailer, that was right beside mine. I decided that I had to talk to her about this.

I walked up to her trailer and did our secret knock, so she knew it was me.

"Come in, Rico!" I heard her saying from the inside.

"Hey, Jade!" I said, entering her trailer and closing the door behind me.

"Hey, Rico! What's up? You seem kinda nervous. Is it because of the... you know? Kiss?" She asked, and I could tell she was as nervous as I was, maybe even more.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about this..."

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

"You're my best friend, and I don't wanna loose you, never. Usually, when best friends and co-stars have to kiss, it kinda gets awkward between them... Promise me we won't let that happen, I don't want it to..." I said, leaving the whole dating part out of it. I don't think she would ever develop feelings for me, so it's never gonna happen.

"Thank goodness! I was afraid of that too. Yes, let's promise not to let it become awkward. It's just a kiss, right? And it won't be us two kissing, it will be Freddy and Summer..." She said.

"Yes, totally! Good thing we had this conversation." I said.

We hugged, and walked to hair and make up.

The rest of the day went by pretty normal, until it was time for the scene.

"Freddy?" Summer/Jade said, and I turned around to face her.

"Yeah?" Freddy/I said.

"Thank you, I really had fun today..."

"Me too, it was awesome." Freddy/I said, and pulled Summer/Jade to a hug.

"Here, take your hoodie back." She said, taking it off.

"No, keep it. You look beautiful on it. I mean... not on it, you're always beautiful. Wait, I mean-"

"It's okay, thank you. I kinda think you're cute too..." She said, nervous.

"Summer, I need to tell you something, and I've been wanting to do this for quite a while. The truth is, I like you. Like, a lot. I might even be in love with you to be honest. I know you probably don't feel the same way, and that's okay. I just needed to let you know how I feel." Freddy/I said, and turned around to walk away.

"No Freddy, wait." Summer/ Jade said, and grabbed Freddy's/my hand. "I... I like you too. Since 4th grade. I thought I had gotten over you a few months ago, but now I know I didn't. I like you a lot, I always have, and I think I always will." She said, and at this point we were both blushing.

I grabbed her other hand and we stepped closer to each other. I caressed her face with my left hand, and hugged her waist with my right one, and both her arms were around my neck. We slowly started to lean in, looking at each other's eyes, until we were so close that she closed hers. I closed mine too, we leaned in a bit more, and kissed.

And man, it felt so amazing. Her lips were so soft, and we both were feeling really comfortable. I don't know how to say this, but I was enjoying the kiss. It just felt right, perfect.

"CUT!!" The director screamed, and we pulled away. "Guys, that was perfect! I'm so proud of you!"

Everybody started clapping, and Jade and I high fived.

"That was so good!!" Breanna said, approaching us with Lance, Aidan and Tony.

"True, it looked so real!" Lance said.

"I recorded it on my phone, I'll send it to you guys." Tony said. Of course he did. And I bet he's gonna post it on his Instagram when the episode comes out. He is basically a fremmer fan account.

"Congrats, it was amazing!" Aidan said.

After we finished shooting the episode, we got our stuff and got ready to go home.

I was walking out of my trailer and to the parking lot to get my car, when I heard a voice calling me.

"Rico Whiny!" I heard Jade.

"Hey Jadius Maximus!" I said, turning around to face her.

"Can you give me a ride? My parents are at a meeting with their high school friends and can't pick me up now..." She asked.

"Of course, anytime!" I said.

"Cool, thanks. So, good job today! You did amazing." She said.

"Thanks, you were awesome too. I bet the fremmer fans will freak out over this scene." I said.

"Yeah, totally!" She said, chuckling.

I drove her home, we hugged and she entered her house. I drove to mine, parked the car, and went to my room. I then showered and changed into something comfy to chill in my bed.

But I couldn't take my mind off the kiss, and off Jade.

The kiss felt amazingly perfect, and I would kiss her 1000 times again if I could just to feel this way again. I already kissed a few girls, and even dated. But none of them has never made me feel the way Jade did. I can't believe I'm saying this, but...

I think I've fallen in love with Jade Pettyjohn.

Biggest chapter so far. And honestly, my favorite to write ever.

IMPORTANT NOTE: so, summer break is (sadly) over. What means school and dance are back. What means I'm gonna be pretty busy again. Sigh.
So, starting now I will only update once a week (every Monday). I'm doing this because I don't like to post bad stuff, and I won't have much time during the week to write good chapters for you guys, because I have school at morning and afternoon, and dance at night, until 8:00pm, and that's when I go home, do my homework and study. So yeah, I'll be pretty busy. Wish me luck...
Anyways, thanks to all of you who were patience enough to read this note till the end. I love you ❤️

Peace ✌🏻and keep rocking, cupcakes 🤘🏻

~Maddie 💕✨

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