The Last Vampire: Part 4

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Ella let Jacob escort her to her cell and, just as she thought that her plan had actually worked, he slammed the door shut in her face. Confused, she looked at him through the bars with her head tilted off to the left.

Noticing her confusion, he smiled at her. In a taunting voice, he said, “Not what you expected?”

Pulling on the chains, Ella hissed in pain.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Those chains were soaking in sulfur for weeks in preparation for you.” He leaned up against the bars of her cage and his smile grew.

“In preparation for what?”

“Oh, we knew you were going to try and escape. Seeing as how you’re being transferred tonight.”

As confusion spread across her face, Jacob looked at her in mock surprise, “Didn’t they tell you?” he said, barely glancing at her. “We’re selling you.”

Ella tugged again at the handcuffs in anger, “What?!”

“Yup. We aren’t even selling you for much either. Just a Cyclops and a few wolves.” He sighed, “Looks like boss man doesn’t think you’re worth much.”

She growled at him, “I wasn’t told about this.”

“Well maybe if you come when you’re summoned you would be informed of this.”

Footsteps echoed off the walls of the cells. It came from many feet. Not just one pair. It sounded almost like an army marching. Ella backed up, not exactly sure what to expect. Jacob’s smile grew, so she knew this wasn’t going to be good.

She straightened up even though she was scared, she couldn’t let too many people see her weak.

The marching stopped. Before her cell were all the other gladiators. Among them were orcs, pixies, wolves, underlings, and even a handful of demons.

“Shit.” Ella muttered under her breath. She may be very strong, but no one, not even she, could go up against this many opponents.

Jacob unlocked the door and said with a short, simple command. “Get her.”

Groaning, Ella woke up and stretched. Or, at least she tried to. There were chains everywhere. Some were on her ankles, others on her wrists, she even had one chain wrapped around her waist a few times, and she had one around her neck. That one was new.

She cursed under her breath, there was no point in denying what was going on.

Ella had been trade enough times before that she recognized what the chains, cold silver container, and random shakes of the ground meant. She was being sent to her new owner, master, king, whatever he or she wanted to be called.

Taking in the fact that the ground was swaying this time instead of rocking, Ella figured that she was crossing water.

Sighing, Ella leaned against a wall and looked down at herself. Obviously she had put up a fight against the other gladiators. She had fading bruises all over her arms and legs. She was also covered in dried blood. Considering the fact that she had a bruise on the back of her head as well, Ella figured that they probably had to knock her out in order to subdue her.

Smiling at herself, she looked around the container. She didn’t have any company. Meaning this was going to be one boring long ass trip. Ella may be an immortal vampire, but she was the most impatient immortal vampire you’ll ever meet. And that isn’t just because she’s the last one.


Sorry that these chapters are short. I'll try and work on making them longer. I know I can do it, the chapters in my other story are three times the lengths of these ones.

I hope you like it either way.

The Last Vampire(under construction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें