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After we dropped Jimin off Jungkook and I went to my house. "Who knew he'd live at the end of the street, huh?" I walked in, Jungkook behind me. "So back to Tae's party."

I put my backpack down on the floor. "Yea, I'll go." I hung my jacket on the coat hanger. "Why did you wait to tell me now?" He sighed. "Because," I sprawled myself out on the couch. "I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable."

Jungkook threw himself on top of me. "He would've been fine." I struggled to get out from beneath him. "Hey, you'll suffocate me." He kept me still with his strength.

"No I won't." I knew how to get him up. "H-Hey! S-Stop it!" I tickled him till he moved. "It worked." I dusted my hands off and headed upstairs. "Come on, Kookie. We have a project to finish." He grunted before following me upstairs with his backpack and mine.

"Get to coloring, young lady." He opened the poster up on my desk. "And what will you do when I'm busy coloring." He sat on my bed. "I'll nap." I threw a pencil at him before continuing to color.


"Done!" I stood up while admiring my work. "Huh? What?" Jungkook jolted up from my bed. "I finished it." I held up the poster for him to see. "Wow, nice work." He ruffled my hair and we both laughed. "When are your parents getting home?" He checked his watch.

"Later tonight." I stretched, my body was aching from being in one position for so long. "Wanna go see a movie?" I thought about it for a second. "I don't know. How about a walk, it feels stuffy in here and the rain let up." He looked outside and agreed.

"Hopefully we'll see more flowers after this rain." Jungkook stared down at the colorless lawns we passed. "Yeah." The smell rain leaves was something calming for me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"Oh? It's Jimin." I pointed at a yard. He was with some girl smiling and laughing. Guess he does have friends. "Hi Jimin!" He turned his head and smiled. I waved and he waved back. He walked up to me and Jungkook. "Hi, Y/N, Jungkook."

He seemed way more friendly and open now. The girl he was with walked up to him. "Jiminie, can we go to the movies now?" The girl clung on to his arm. "Yea, wait in the car." The girl skipped into the white car behind him.

"Taking your girl out on a date?" Jungkook asked. "Oh, no she isn't my girlfriend. She's my younger half sister." He nervously laughed and scratched the back of his neck. I smiled at him when he turned to me.

His cheeks started to tint again. He smiled back. I looked at his beautiful eyes again. I easily manage to get lost in them. "It's getting cold, Y/N. Let's head back." Jungkook broke the silence.

"Oh, before we go. Is there anything we can keep in contact on?" I pulled out my phone. "I can give you my number. That's all I have to communicate on." I handed him my phone and he put in his information. "Bye, Jimin."

Jungkook dragged me along to my house. "Man, it's freezing. Got anything warm to drink?" He opened one of the cabinets. "Some hot chocolate, but hand me a bag of chips while you're in there." I turned on the TV in the living room and sat on the couch.

"Nothing interesting is on, we should've gone to the movies." I tisked, "This show is good." I nudged him and ate some more chips.

"Y/N, we're home." The front door opened and my parents walked in. They're doctors, so it's rate when they come home early. "Oh, Jungkook. Nice to see you again." My mom set her things down on the table and came over to me and Jungkook.

He stood and gave her a hug. Me and Jungkook have been friends for nearly 11 years now. My parents love him. "Are you staying for dinner?" My mom walked back into the kitchen. "Should I?" He whispered over to me.

"Sure, why not?" I closed my bag of chips. "I guess I am." He laughed and shrugged. "Kookie, put these back for me?" I handed him my closed bag of chips. "Wow, you keep getting lazier and lazier these days, Y/N." He laughed before walking off to put them away.


"Are you spending the night?" My mom really likes Jungkook. "No, I should head home now."

Everyone said their goodbyes and Jungkook was gone. "You should date that young man one day." Like I haven't heard that one before. "Mom, he's just my friend. Let it go." She sighed. "He's so nice. He'd make a great husband." I ran upstairs. I was tired of hearing that whenever he came over.

I've never felt that way towards Jungkook before. And I don't think I will anytime soon. I see him as the brother I never had. It's weird.


this story sucks but hey I'm not dead

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