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Someone scooted beside me, saying something incomprehensible to my own ears

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Someone scooted beside me, saying something incomprehensible to my own ears. I groaned and covered my ears with more pillows but it was pulled away. I rolled around and glared at the person who was innocently asleep although I could see the smile that was about to slip out of his face. I pinched his nose and waited if he's still going to remain still.

For what I thought was a minute, he opened his eyes, breathed through his mouth and pushed me on my shoulder. He sat up, catching up his breathing.

I smiled all too myself, propping my head on my hand. "Good morning," I greeted, plastering a sweet smile.

He glared at me. "What's good in the morning? I have a terrible headache and my best friend almost killed me," he muttered.

"Aw. Well, my headache's terrible too but you ruined a nice sleep, you know." I got up and tied my hair. "Make me something to eat."

He shook his head. "I don't think I can get up now." He lay back down on the bed and covered his face with the pillow.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't tell me I have to do the cooking. This is your house!"

He only lowered the pillow, showing his eyes. "And you practically live here. You know your way around. I'm going to get more sleep."

"No! Get up!" I tried to pry the pillow out of him but he only pushed me away. I fell on the floor with a loud thud. Godddamn this boy. "Get up, Owen!" I tried again but this time, he pulled me down on the bed and pinned me with my hands above our heads. His head's resting on the crook of my neck and I could feel him breathing slowly.

Now, anyone who would enter the room would think that we're about to do something but it's not like that. Knowing him for ten years would not give me the butterflies with this kind of action. Owen and I were practically siblings and just thinking about of him more than that gave me the goosebumps.

"OWEN!" I screamed when I felt him breathe on my neck. He knew how ticklish I was on that spot. "No!" I wiggled under him but he breathed harder. He was laughing too.

Just then, the door opened and I saw Owen's mom's gasp upon seeing us.

"Shit. Get up," I mumbled. Although I wasn't sure why was I getting all hyped after Dorothy saw us.

Owen only just snorted and whispered, "It's just mom."

"Uh, I made you two breakfast before I leave for work," Dorothy said. She smiled awkwardly towards me. "Good morning."

I smiled the same awkwardness. Owen wasn't in any mood to move away. "Good morning."

Then she shook her head and walked inside the room. She grabbed Owen's collar, saying, "This boy is like a lynch. He won't stop sticking to you until he's done sucking all your blood."

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