he fl o a t

90 29 37

Ahh first off, Happy New Year! Hope everyone is having a great 2018 so far!

I was kinda bored last night and I wanted to draw something

So I decided to follow up xXPenAndPaperXx's idea of doing a three color challenge
(Basically a challenge where you only get to use three colors in the drawing)

I went on https://www.random.org/colors/hex and screwed around until I could find a decent color combination (they were giving me a lot of complimentary color pairs hhhh)

And I got this! I actually really like these colors mmmm

I'm quite proud of this drawing so here's the sk e t c h(Cdqkqkfv I forgot to sign it, you'll just have to take my word that it's mine

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I'm quite proud of this drawing so here's the sk e t c h
(Cdqkqkfv I forgot to sign it, you'll just have to take my word that it's mine

I'm quite proud of this drawing so here's the sk e t c h(Cdqkqkfv I forgot to sign it, you'll just have to take my word that it's mine

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L i n e a r t
(I didn't sign this part either but I think this is proof enough)

L i n e a r t (I didn't sign this part either but I think this is proof enough)

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Ha n d


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Here's the finished piece!!
Guys I actually tried to shade it, not just with cell shading this is a big deal

Here's the finished piece!!Guys I actually tried to shade it, not just with cell shading this is a big deal

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This drawing was meant to look like a dragon floating underwater, kinda tranquil. But it could also kinda look like ascension sor t a ???

And before you question it, YES this was made with only the three colors shown above
How? The beautiful blending layers such as Add, Multiply, Screen, and Overlay. I won't go into much detail of them but they help a LOT when drawing

I originally was just going to do some flat colors and maybe some shading but I felt like going the extra mile haha

Here's the flat colored version to show you what it looked like before all the shading

AlsoI was messing around with the layers and I discovered the the lineless version of this drawing looks sUPER NI C E

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I was messing around with the layers and I discovered the the lineless version of this drawing looks sUPER NI C E

AlsoI was messing around with the layers and I discovered the the lineless version of this drawing looks sUPER NI C E

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You're welcome

Believe it or not, I was actually jamming out to the Minecraft soundtrack when drawing this
Though the game has kind of became a joke, the soundtrack is HECKING GOOD and calm and very nostalgic for me because I used to play the game a long time ago :')

It was actually so nostalgic for me that halfway through the drawing, I decided to break into my old Mojang account and download Minecraft on my laptop

So that's what I did and I played Minecraft for a couple hours straight who o p s

Well that's all for now! See ya!

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