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Heyo everyone!
I'm Shadewing, but you can call me Shade or Diamond!

Congrats on stumbling across my second art book

Yo yo yo if you're just now finding this book, I'd recommend checking out the most recent chapters because the art at the beginning of this book is gROSS
Thank you

If you're here from my first one, welcome back!

Along with art, you'll see a lotta memes in this book

Requests are currently closed (sorry)

Here's some rules and stuff

-Don't be afraid to comment! I'd love to hear what you have to say! I'd love to get to know all of you!

-Feedback on the art is always appreciated! (Even if it's constructive criticism!)

-Please request in chapters that I clearly ask you to request

-I do requests, art trades, and collabs!
Also an art contest is on its way and I might do some egg raffles

-Please don't ask me to draw "you" (Oc's are fine)

-I do do tags!

-Please be respectful to me and fellow users!

That's all I can come with

Most of my drawings will be cats, dragons, or fandom related!

Wanna know my fandoms?
Check my profile description or the description of this book!

That's all for now!

Enjoy the art!

{OLD ART} Trashy Art 0.2Where stories live. Discover now