chapter 5

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A/N alright so i finish this story right? got some hotspot gonna used the internet to post up this chapter then the damn laptop freezes and restart it self i never save the story i was like noooo! so i have to write the whole damn thing again might be not as good but hey i got it at 2 in the morning by god so enjoy this chapter like a fat kid to a snickers bar ____________________________________________________________In his bunkhouse room that evening, Po is still yelling in pain.

"Aaaoo...whoohoo...EEEee...hee- hee... OW! I thought you said acupuncture would make me feel "Mantis pops us from behind Po holding a handful of needes and sticks him again." better!"

"Trust me, it will. It's just not easy finding the right nerve points under all this..."


" Fur, I was going to say fur. "Removes the needle and moves to another part of Po's back. as haku sighs she was in the room in the corner cleaning her toe nails wincing at the sounds of her brother's pain she can be a bit sentisive to loud things like that but she will be okay

"Sure you were." Po said skeptical

Adjusts a needle and taps Po's back for nerves." Who am I to judge a warrior based on his size? I mean... look at me."

Po looks for Mantis...

" I'm over here."

..But Mantis is now on his other shoulder. He jabs another needle into Po." Ah-HAH!"

"Maybe you should take a look at this again."

Viper said , who is also in the room, is holding a diagram of acupuncture meridians onto which someone has overlaid a drawing of a panda.

mantis looks at the diagram" Oh! Okay."

"you want a go for it as well Haku? you got some beating " Mantis asked looking over at the blind lynx she shook her head" nah brother needs it...well i think " she said he shrugs went back to work

Meanwhile, Monkey is meditating in another room.

" Ow! Don't... " Po laughs

Monkey opens his eyes. Annoyed at the disturbance, Monkey sticks his fingers in his ears. In another room, Crane is doing calligraphy.

"Stop it, stop... YOW!"

Startled, Crane accidentally smears the paper. Back in his own room, Po settles down

" I know Master Shifu's trying to inspire me and all, but if I didn't know any better... I'd say he was trying to get rid of me." Haku didn't say anything not wanting to upset her brother

Po chuckles. The others look at each other and smile awkwardly. Po notices their expressions and his chuckle fades."I know he can seem kind of heartless..." the bug said

"kind of isn't a word i used for him just cause we're new to kung fu does not give any right to treat us like trash" Haku said sternly

He violently jabs another needle in Po.

"Ah!" Haku winces poor Po

"But, you know, he wasn't always like that." mantis said

"According to legend, there was once a time when Master Shifu actually used to smile." said Viper

" No..." Po said not believing

Outside, Tigress is walking down the hallway when she overhears them talking. She stops outside their door.

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