chapter two

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Back at the noodle shop, Po is serving the customers at their tables as Haku washes the dishes. Po was  struggling to squeeze through the small gaps. He accidentally knocks into a table.

" Hey, watch it Po!" a pig costmer shouts 

" Oh, sorry. Suck it up-- " Po sucks in stomach

" having trouble Po?" Haku shouts from the kitchen giggling 

"what? no way pfft" po said as he belly gets stuck between two tables, and in his attempt to lift himself free, Po accidentally sticks his tail puff into a rabbit family's soup bowl, making the rabbit children cry.Haku walks out of the kitchen patting her way over to po

"maybe i should help" she said smiling

"Oops, sorry! A thousand pardons...and Haku you do-" he was cut off by 

A gong sounds. Po turns, and sees a group of palace staff sticking a poster on the wall of the restaurant.

"What?! "He runs over to the poster (which features the Furious Five), reads the writing, and gets very excited.

"Master Oogway's choosing the Dragon Warrior. Today! "Sets down noodle bowls.

" Everyone! Everyone! Go, get to the Jade Palace! One of the Five is going to get the Dragon Scroll! come on Haku! let's go" he grabs his sister's paw drags her to the exit as 

He begins ushering out the customers. Mr. Ping looks up from the counter.

Runs over to a customer trying to quickly finish their food.

" We've been waiting a thousand years for this — just take the bowl! "Runs over to a rabbit counting coins.

" This is the greatest day in Kung Fu history! Don't worry about it, just go! "He begins following the customers out of the restaurant until--

" Po! Haku! Where are you two going?"

Po struggles to hide his dismay as he turns back to his father.

" To the... Jade Palace?... " Po Inches slightly out of door Haku sighs knowing this can't go well

" But you're forgetting your noodle cart! "He rolls a heavy-looking noodle cart towards  

"Po Haku. The whole Valley will be there, and you'll sell noodles to all of them! and Haku you can help him this time and don't lose your sister" Haku nods

"yay" she said rolling her eyes more 

" Selling noodles? "Mr. Ping nods happily.

"But Dad, I was kinda thinking maybe me an--"

dad smiles "Yeah?"

"I was kinda thinking maybe we..."dad was still smiling

" Uh-huh?"

" he was wonder if we could also sell the bean buns. They're-they're about to go bad." Haku said for him

"That's my kids!! I told you that dream was a sign! and Haku you are becoming a true noodle folk one dad you too will get the dream" the He walks back into the shop.

Po Looks down at the cart, disappointed

" Yeah, heh heh, glad I had it. come on haku" he sad as Haku follows

" you know how dad gets" she said trying to cheer him up he just sighs

At the Palace Arena just below the Jade Palace, palace staff are preparing for the tournament while children play and the villagers stream into the arena.  Po is staring open-mouthed at the daunting task ahead of him

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