"I hate not knowing what the restaurant looks like"

She had continued (The only false about her Italian restaurant date was that she had no idea what the restaurant looked like, making it difficult for her to choose something for the aesthetic of it). Her phone wasn't really helping since the manager didn't really want there being taken pictures of the place― making it even more secretive about what kind of drug dealing was going on there.

"You can always google it, not just check the hashtags on Insta."

Mr.Bonneboy suggested and (Y/N) look up at him from her phone, she hadn't thought of using the old way of Googling.

"Why didn't I think of that."

She whispered to herself and googled the restaurant's name.

"Read it with ze voice!"

Mr.Bonnefoy screeched and jumped to sit next to (Y/N) on the sofa, she giggled at his acts and clicked one first sight that she saw.

"NON-TI PAGO, a simply amazing restaurant with over 5 stars, the food is amazing and the staff is too. Are you looking for a first place to make your date just fall in love? NON-TI PAGO, it the place with an understanding pay. Their amazing fresh drinks that will make yourself fall in love with the place. It gives a real Italian taste, comes to NON-TI PAGO!"

(Y/N) finished and laughed.

"Non-ti pago means 'I don't pay you' in Italian."

She quoted and looked at  Mr.Bonnefoy when he said the word;


(Y/N) giggled again and took a  look at the pile.

Her eyes widened at the sight of seeing that her peach-coloured dress with the complicated straps.


She took out her black choker from her hoodie pocket and went to her wardrobe that held accessories and she saw that there were a couple of gold rings just there, (Y/N) took them out and put them on, with the chocker.

She took out her black choker from her hoodie pocket and went to her wardrobe that held accessories and she saw that there were a couple of gold rings just there, (Y/N) took them out and put them on, with the chocker

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"Don't worry, mon ami, I am not going to look."

Mr.Bonnefoy said like he had just read (Y/N)'s mind and turned the other way.

she quickly stipped off her nice light grey t-shirt and put on the dress. Mr.Bonnefoy looked back and whistled.


Mr.Bonnefoy quickly added and clapped his hands together, then butchered some of his French.

(Y/N) walked toward to her heals, these black heels she once got from Oliver would look good with this. She put them on and looked at Mr.Bonnefoy waited for him to do something.


(Y/N) quickly realized and ran toward her coat collection, she quickly tried to pull out one of her many black coats and when she succeeded she put her black overcoat, she looked simply stunning

"Oh la la, mon ami, stunning as always."

Mr.Bonnefoy complimented and did (Y/N)'s hair.

"I know."


(Y/N) took a look down at her phone again. She had waited outside the restaurant for the last 20 minutes and being that she was just on time made it just worse, Al had given her the simple 'Don't move' text and that he was coming, but like every bad date, he was not anywhere in sight.

Being the horrible inpatient person (Y/N) is she went inside without him ask told that she had reservations under the name 'Jones' but they had told her that there were no reservations with that name, she, of course, tried his first name but still nothing. 

The weather was beginning to be bad and this bench was not really the best bench out there.

21 minutes, okay now (Y/N) was giving up, she wants to text Alan angry text, something she never would do even if someone wore crocks.

Before any word was types her name was shouted, (Y/N) head went up like a bullet at the voice, it was Allen.

"Well, lookie what we have here, who dissuaded to show up?"

She stood up and looked at the panting Allen, it seemed like he had been running from someone.

After a long silence of just panting Allen spoke up.

"Sorry, my Molly's engine just stopped working and since there is no way I am getting myself dirty for THIS date I ran."

He explained, (Y/N) widened her eyes and thought about what to say next, she let her actions scream louder and words; she slapped him then hugged him giving him a kiss on his slapped cheek― his left one then.

"Do you mean Molly the drug or Molly as in something else?"

(Y/N) asked and looked into Allens red eyes and hoped to see his soul behind them― the same  game that she had played in secret at the café, Allen stared back he was not really staring at anything, he was staring because of interests, he had missed (Y/N) and he yet didn't understand why, he found her interesting and even after stalking her Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr, he even reached for Google and Facebook, but he wanted to know even more about her.

"Hello to you too."

He chuckles and (Y/N) takes a step back from the hug. 

"Pardon, sorry, hey."

(Y/N) apologizes and giggled too. She took her purse from the bench and held it close, knowing that even Britain streets are not at all safe at this time. Al noticed the goosebumps on (Y/N) legs and grew worried, darn-it feelings.

He hurried to take his military jacked off with one swing and smoothly put the jacked in (Y/N)'s shoulders, he knew that this might not be much but it'll do.

"I actually planned our date a little bit."

Al said after a long feeling of silence.

"Oh? Eat and then? You're so unpredictable."

(Y/N) said in her sarcastic tone and fixed Allen's jacked.

"Sorry, I'm vegan, we're going somewhere...More American than this."

Al pointed at the Italian restaurant, the only reason being he told (Y/N) to go there was to surprise her― And the place that he had chosen to be their first stop in near made it perfect.

"Being vegan is the least American thing you can do, but you're paying

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