Chapter 9

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Stan's POV

After school waiting for Kyle....

I'm finally going to tell Kyle how I feel. I mean the few kisses that we shared I think it's finally a good time to tell him.

"Hey Stan." Kyle said.

"Hey." I said back.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Kyle asked.

"Well I want to talk to you about something important." I said.

"What?" Kyle asked.

"I-I like you." I said.

"I like you too dude." Kyle said.

"No not like, like like." I said.

"Oh." Kyle said.

"I liked you eversince sixth grade." I said blushing.

"O-oh." Kyle said blushing too.

"Not only do I like you but I'm in love with you, so Kyle Brofvloski will you be my boyfriend?" I asked still blushing.

Sorry this chapter is short the next chapter will be longer. Until then see you soon. Bye!

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