1:Jokes and Womanizers

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"But Ja'far..." whined a merchant known commonly as Sinbad.
A great innovator, dreamer and an even greater womanizer.

"It's your fault we're in this mess Sin."

"Alright fine!"

Sinbad then proceeded to climb up to the roof of the small structure that he and his companions, Ja'far and Mystras, had built for shelter in the Valley of Death. The thatched roof had sustained numerous large holes in its surface and Ja'far had guilt tripped him into fixing it.

"Well you lot look like a bunch of sorry asses."

Sinbad almost fell off the unstable roof, obviously surprised at the bold words of a new feminine voice. The young knight and ex-assasin poked their heads out of the 'house'.

"It's a g-girl." Mystras stuttered.

"No kidding." Ja'far muttered with an eye roll. His older companions ogled at the pretty young women before them.

She was undoubtedly beautiful, with purple eyes and long, knee-length black hair. She wore a short white shirt which hung off both her shoulders with a longer black crop top underneath. She also doned a long skirt with slits down both sides with black shorts underneath it. Her attire was mostly covered by a floor length cloak. Her delicate features were exposed as the hood was down.

The mysterious woman was about to speak but before she could utter a single sound, Sinbad had grasped her hand and placed a kiss on the smooth, pale skin. His lips lingered for a second before he introduced himself.

"I'm Sinbad, a merchant from Reim. What's a cute young lady like yourself in such a bleak place?"

"I could ask you the same question." She replied, swiftly removing her small hand from his and wiping it off on her cloak.

Sinbad didn't answer. He was too busy staring at the hand she had cleaned on her clothing.

"We were thrown in here by the Queen of Artymera because someone disrespected her due to his womanizing tendencies." Ja'far explained. Sinabad's eye twitched.

"Ja'far I'm sure our leader didn't know any better."Mystras defended. However, his words only caused an arrow to peirce Sinbad threw the heart.

"Three guesses who." Joked the girl, watching the culprit sulk in a corner.

"I'm Ja'far and this is Mystras." Introduced the young boy, gesturing to himself and the redhead attempting to cheer up Sinbad.

"I'm Aria. Pleased to make your aquaintance."

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