A guide to Of Moon and Sun

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~ Sun ~
The same sun we see every day, though referred to as a god.

~ Moon ~
The same moon we see every day, though referred to as a god.

~ SunFlare ~
The essence of the Sun, magic of the Sun.

~ MoonLight ~
The essence of the Moon, magic of the Moon.

~ StarDust ~
The essence of the Stars, magic of the Stars.

~ Eldyr ~ (El-die-er)
An elder wolf, often learned in the lore of the wolves and teacher of the young.

~ Alpha ~
Lead wolf in every pack, always male; decides for the good of the pack. Father to all wolves in a pack.

~ Alphess ~ (Al-fess)
Secondary lead wolf in every pack, always female, and mate to the Alpha; helps him decide for the good of the pack. Mother to all wolves in a pack. (Roles of rank are reversed for White Wolf Pack. Alphess controls.)

~ The Great Gray ~
Name for the first Gray Wolf, ancestor to the Gray Wolf Pack. Male wolf.

~ The Great Flame ~
Name for the first Dhole Wolf, ancestor to the Dhole Wolf Pack. Male wolf.

~ The Great Light ~
Name for the first White Wolf, ancestor to the White Wolf Pack. Female wolf.

~ The Great Shadow ~
Name for the first Black Wolf, ancestor to the Black Wolf Pack. Male wolf.

~ The Great Truth ~
Name for the first True Wolf, ancestor to the True Wolf Pack. Gender unknown.

~ The Unclean ~
Wolves that refused to become civilized, instead reverting to the savage ways of wolves today. They are often cannibalistic and insane, killing anything that moves in a bloody spree.

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