First Kiss

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Luke- Luke had just watched his world collapse around him. Darth Vader is his father... Darth Vader is his father! Plus he doesn't have a hand. His world had ended but you were the one constant, the one person he could count on. As soon as he saw you he rushed over to you, hugged you tight with his one hand and kissed you. All before you could say anything.

Anakin- When Anakin got back from his mission he took you out on a date. You two weren't into the traditional date of going for a meal so you went for walk instead.  Ani shared with you all the stories from his past and it brought you closer together. The only traditional aspect of your date was the goodnight kiss.

Han- You,  Han and Chewie had made yet another daring escape in the Falcon and all of you were exhilarated. Chewie was in the cockpit which left you and Han alone together. 

"That was amazing!" You shouted, "that was by far the best piloting I have ever seen! If you weren't such a good pilot we'd all be dead. Good job you managed it, you were -"

Before you had a chance to flatter him further he pulled you close to him and shared a romantic kiss before you were interrupted by Chewie.

Finn- Rey had just been taken by the First Order and although you had come to help along with the other Resistance pilots you were all too late. Finn was inconsolable but you worked your magic and got him to open up. After a while of him venting and blaming himself you kissed him quickly and said, "

Poe- He had done something stupid. Again. He had almost died. Again. And you weren't letting him off easy this time. You were waiting for him to confront him as soon as he landed. When he emerged from his x-wing he beemed. 

"(Y/N)! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" He got out of his x-wing and came down to meet you.

"Don't think I'm letting off the hook this easy! You could have died! Again!" 

He side stepped around you and kissed your cheek then said cockily, "But I didn't".

You rolled your eyes and kissed him. 

Kylo- He had just killed his father. He didn't know what he was feeling.  He had done right by the First Order but Han was his dad and as much as he tried to pretend he didn't, he loved him. You came by him having a rage in the corridors and as soon as he saw you be dropped everything, ran up to you and kissed you. You spent the rest of the night consoling him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2018 ⏰

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