Part 15

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Chapter 15:

I was awoken by the sound of faint snoring, this time I wasn't going to wake him

So I just went back to sleep


I woke up ... Again, I could hear singing

"It's late in evening, glass on the side I've been sat with you, most of the night, ignoring everybody here we with they would disappear so maybe-"
He stopped singing
"This is pointless, how can she even think I'm a good singer, I'm horrible"
He complained

"I'm guess you don't know I'm awake"
I said

"Uh, no I didn't"
He laughed

"And as I've said, your a great singer, maybe you should do YouTube videos?"
I suggested

"What would I sing?"
He asked

"Well it seems to me that you love ed sheeran, so sing one of his songs?"

"Well I kinda like Mike Poser also?"

"Then sing a song by him"

"Fine, but I will in a while, not today"

"Ok, then"


"3,2,1, caller 20 gets 2 tickets to see ed sheeran, in Sydney"
The radio host announced

I heard a phone dialing

"Luke are you trying to get those tickets?"

He replied

"For who?"
I asked

"Me and my best friend"
He replied

"Who's this best friend?"
I asked

"A girl"
He replied

Wait, Luke is going without me?

"Who's this girl?"
I asked

"Ash, don't worry about it"
He replied

Fine then


He cheered

I said not so excitedly
"When are you going to pick them up?"
I asked

"Tomorrow, and the concert is in 3 days"
He replied


"Ok, I'm going to get the tickets, Calum is here to watch you"
Luke said as he went out the door and Calum entered

"Hey, how are your eyes"
Calum sat next to me

"The same"
I replied with a sigh

"You don't sound very happy"
Calum whined

"Cause I'm not"
I replied

Calum asked

"Luke's taking another girl to that Ed Sheeran concert, and not me"
I replied

"I doubt that, Luke only knows one other girl beside you"

"Who's that?"

"His mom"

"Oh... Well he said he's taking a girl..."

"I'll talk to him"
Calum said


"Yup, he's taking a girl"
Calum said as he came back into the room

I groaned

"It's ok, Ash"
He replied


"Hey guys I'm back"
Luke replied

I didn't say anything

"I learned that the tickets are front row and the there's a meet and greet after words"
Luke cheered

"Good for you"
I replied sarcastically

"You don't sound very happy for a girl who's gonna meet Ed Sheeran"
Luke said

A smile formed on my face
"Wait, I thought you were taking your best friend?"
I asked

"Yeah, you are my best friend"
He replied

"But you told me- LUKE, you scared me"
I said

"I know"
He replied

"But Calum- cal-"

"I told Calum to lie"
Luke said

"Your to clever"
I laughed

Luke laughed also


A/n: this is a bit longer of a chapter then the rest :) your welcome

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