HomeComing-Chapter Eleven

Start from the beginning

It was a silent drive home and he parked a little bit down the street, so Damon didn't see his car. 'You know, I care about you.' I promised and nibbled on my bottom lip, I couldn't tell if my words were stupid but I didn't seem to care. It was what Klaus needed to hear right now, and after all he's done for me he deserves it. 'Thankyou, Leah.' He said gently. 'You truly are special.' He smiled at me and then turned to face the road. 'And we don't have to talk about the other night.' He added frowning, I tried to not notice this. 'Thankyou.' I replied. 'For everything.' He looked over to me again and placed my hand in his squeezing it lightly. 'You're welcome.'

Time Skip
'I think I'm going crazy. I'm totally paranoid all the time.' Elena whined running her temples hard and fast. I sighed looking around the Mystic Grill. 'You're telling me.' I said. 'Besides you have a right to be especially because Klaus is still out there and knows you tried to kill him.' Elena looked down at the table and frowned. 'Exactly why hasn't he made a move yet? There has been no sign of him, nothing. Just my slow spiral to insanity.' I raised my glass of water. 'Touché.' I muttered and took a sip, Bonnie nodded sympathetically. 'Join the club. Every time I close my eyes I see the nightmare.' Elena and I both looked at her. I tilted my head to the side like a dog and Elena knotted her brows. 'The same one?' Elena asked Bonnie. 'Yeah four coffins. Klaus is in one of the,. It's weird.' She looked around at us all. I leant back in my seat and ran my hands through my hair thinking. 'Maybe it's a sign, like a witch dream.' I suggested but Bonnie just shook her head in disagreement. 'No it's just stress.' She then glanced at Elena. 'What about Stefan?' This seemed to have pulled one of Elena's strings. 'He betrayed us Bonnie the Stefan we know is gone.' She retorted in anger. I leant forward now placing my head in my hand. 'How's Damon taking that?' Bonnie asked grabbing Elena's hand, as she searched for the right thing to say. 'Damon is... Damon.' She finally said.

Later that day in the grill I watched as Elena and Damon bickered, trying to not listen. Suddenly Damon's smirk wiped off his face and he turned to face something behind me. 'Klaus.'
I swung around my hair swooping infront of my face seeing Klaus Mikaelson the hybrid standing there. 'You're going to do this in the Grill?' Damon asked mockingly as Klaus leaned on the table we were at. 'I don't know what you are talking about. I came to the local bar to grab a drink with a mate. Grab around would you, Tony.' His voice was mischievous. 'I'm surprised you stuck in town long enough for happy hour.' Damon said sarcastically, he always had to make his lame jokes at the wrong time. 'My sister seems to be missing, need to sort that out.' Klaus told us all looking around at the place, I looked over to Elena worried. 'Cute, blonde bombshell psycho. Shouldn't be to hard to find.' He shrugged his shoulders with a smirk. 'Truth is I've grown a liking to your little town. I'm fancying having a home here.' I couldn't tell if learning Klaus was thinking of staying in town was music to my ears or not.

Soon it was the day of Caroline's birthday. If you knew her you would expect a huge, epic party that would go through the whole night. You'd expect loud music and dancing, hot outfits and alcohol. But instead Bonnie,Elena,Matt and I decided to throw her a funeral instead of a party. Remember how I said my life revolved around death, it still does. And it won't stop. We are born we live and then we die. Unfortunately in this town people don't get to live as long as they should, it was like some sort of dark omen.
'This is creepy. Even for us.' I said as the group of us walked into the urn of the cemetery. 'No Caroline was right technically she's dead.' Elena piped up as she put down the cake. 'I'm sorry but you need a funeral to say goodbye to your old life to move on with your new one.' Caroline smiled and she took off her birthday tiara placing it on the ground. 'Okay, here lies Caroline Forbes.' She started and Elena joined in. 'Cheerleader, Miss Mystic Falls and third grade hopscotch champion.' We all laughed at the last part, Bonnie stepped closer into the circle smiling at Caroline. 'Friend, daughter over achiever.' Next it was Matts turn to add something to say. 'Mean girl sometimes no offence.' We all laughed again but Caroline replied with. 'None taken.' Shrugging it off. It was now my turn and I took a deep breath in. 'A fashion icon with really good hair.' I chimed grinning and she winked at me. Elena then started walking over with the cake. 'She was seventeen. And she had a really good life so rest in peace so that she can move forward. It's what you really need.' Elena stopped and looked around at us all. 'It's what we all really need.' Bonnie then lit up the candles with her magic. 'Make a wish!' I told her, nudging her shoulder playfully. The Tyler Lockwood came to ruin the laughter, the worst thing he could do was bite Caroline. And that's exactly what he did. 'What do we do?' Sheriff Forbes asked worriedly as Matt and I carried her inside, placing her in her bed. 'I know, leave it to me.' I promised her and walked out of the house, the cold air brushing across my cheeks. I dialled my cell and it didn't ring long till Klaus answered. 'Hey Klaus, I need a favour.' I told him, he could hear the anxiousness in my voice. 'Anything.' He replied and I took a deep breath in. 'I will text you the address. Caroline's been bitten and we need your blood.' And with that I hung up.

I walked inside and moments passed, I was starting to think he wouldn't show up. The there was a knock at the door and Matt answered it. 'Leah called me telling me Tyler had bitten Caroline.' He said to Matt, his hands were respectfully placed behind his back. When I thought back to what I said, I told him nothing about Tyler attacking Caroline so how did he know? Matt shook his head. 'You made him do this to her.' Klaus stepped forward slowly. 'I'm here to help Matt. Please ask the Sheriff to ask me inside.' Hearing her name she stepped into the room. 'I know how this game works, you want something in return.' She bellowed, I watched as Klaus hung his head, lifting it back up again he spoke. 'Only your support.' I turned to the stern faced sheriff. 'I trust him, I believe he can help.' I then smiled over to Klaus who exchanged one in return. 'Come in.' The sheriff finally said and Klaus stepped in, I made sure he was left alone with Caroline and stayed out in the front room with Matt. The sheriff went to bed. 'I can't believe you're trusting this guy, Leah. After all he has done.' Complained Matt and I gulped looking down at my converses. Klaus was different to me and it was like there was a magnet pushing me towards him as much as I tried to keep a distance. I licked my lower lip. 'I'm doing it for Caroline.' Was I really? Or wasn't I? Sometimes I didn't even recognise myself. Once Klaus had fed Caroline his blood he walked into the front room. 'It's time for you to leave!' Matt demanded rudely, I looked over at him glaring. 'Matt.' I scowled. 'He just saved Caroline's life.' He seemed to be shocked at my words. 'What has gotten into you.' He piped up and I took a step back, I felt almost betrayed. 'Just get out.' My eyes started to well up, I couldn't believe he was speaking to me like that and ordering me to leave. 'Don't speak to her like that!' Warned Klaus and his eyes flashed a golden brown, they changed to normal when he faced me. 'Come on, sweetheart.' He said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we left. Instead of driving me home we visited a diner that was just out of town.

We took a seat in a booth and a olive skinned waiter poured us both a coffee. She bent down revealing her cleavage as she placed down the coffee cups, trying to grab Klaus's attention but was dissatisfied when he didn't look. 'Can I get you guys anything else?' She huffed, I noticed the waiter had a thick New Yorker accent. 'No thanks..Amber.' He said reading her name tag and she swung her hips, walking away. 'So I have a question.' I blurted out, watching as he poured a sachet of sugar into his coffee. 'Ask away.' He shrugged and began stirring his coffee. 'Well, how did you know Tyler bit Caroline.' I asked, and took a sip of my coffee, I tried to hold in a yelp when I burnt the end of my tongue. He furrowed his eyes towards me. 'Are you sure you want the answer?' I thought for a moment and nodded leaning forward. 'Well I told Tyler to do it.' He confessed and I widened my eyes. Why would he tell someone to do something and then save the persons life? And why did Tyler agree to it? 'Well why did you save her then if you wanted her dead?' I questioned anxiously and bit my lip trying to hold in a gasp of some sort. 'It was nothing personal. I was trying to scare Stefan. But the true reason I saved her was for you.' He admitted and blew on his coffee before taking a sip, I didn't know whether I should be flattered or not. Suddenly the room got hot and I felt like I was going to burst.

A/N: Okay so I was reading over the chapters and I think I'm happy with how everything is going so far. I'm loving the little dates Leah and Klaus have been having btw!! And I'm so sad that her dads gone I really loved writing him as a character :) The picture is of the dress she wore

 I'm loving the little dates Leah and Klaus have been having btw!! And I'm so sad that her dads gone I really loved writing him as a character :) The picture is of the dress she wore

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